gender equality

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Claire Monroe
"Nate aren't you coming," I asked, when it stepped out of the shower and he was still asleep.
"Where?" He groaned, flipping over.
He was so tired and it made me feel bad. I was grateful he was there for me, but it was exhausting him. I was exhausting him.
"The doctors appointment . We get to find the gender of the baby today," I reminded him.
" Yeah, I forgot. Sorry."
"It's fine. Your tired and it's my fault I keep waking you up, you don't have to go."
"I want to," he said sitting up. "Everything I do is because I want to do it."
"Well I have to be there at ten and it's already nine," I laughed.
Nate hopped out of bed and kissed me.
"I'm serious, I do the things I do because I want to. I love you."
"I love you too," I whispered.
He kissed me again.
"I'm going to get dressed now so we can leave."
I nodded my head and watched as he went to find something to put on. I put on my sundress and waited.
"Let's go," he said after he brushed his teeth.
I grabbed my things and followed him out the door.
"What do you want it to be?" I asked as he drove.
"Honestly as long as it's a healthy baby I'll be happy . What about you?"
"I don't care. On one hand I want a boy and then on another hand I want a girl. I can't wait to find out, so we can start buying things and getting the room together."
I began to smile thinking of all the possibilities of how to do the spare bedroom.
"I can't wait either, there is so much that I can't wait to get done."
"I'm glad I'm doing this with you Nate."
"Me too."
He parked and we walked into the doctors office .
"Claire," the receptionist called.
I sighed and walked back with Nate.
Dr. Stuart was already ready for me, all I had to do was lift up my shirt . Nate held my hand as the doctor put the jelly on my belly and move the wand around it.
You could hear the baby's heartbeat prominently.
"Still healthy," Dr. Stuart smiled. "Would you guys like to know the gender?"
"Yes, of course ," I exclaimed.
This is it. I was finally going to know what my baby was.
"Well, it looks like you're having a boy!"
"A boy," I smiled widely and looked at Nate. "A boy."
He smiled back and I could have sworn I saw a tear from his eye.
"My baby boy."

It's A BOY !!! 🎉🎉🎉 Awe 😍 Nate is literal goals . Let me know what ya think 😅. So, for those of you that read my Cameron Dallas story Trust, I put that on hold for some reasons, but I published a new story called Aggressive and it's a Shawn Mendes story. Even if you didn't read Trust you should check Aggressive out.

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