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Nate Maloley
I had the urge to beat the shit out of Jack, but I knew if I started to hit him I wouldn't stop. He shouldn't even had been over here. He shouldn't even had ever been able to be around Claire.
If he didn't leave soon that the urge that I had now would have turned into an action.
Claire was between us and telling him to leave. Jack looked in disbelief. He finally glared at me one last time and left.
Claire looked at me with panicked eyes. I was still angry that Jack was here.
"I didn't know he was coming over; I didn't want him here," she cried.
I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back.
"I could tell, baby. "
She cried harder and I tried to comfort her more.
"Shhh, "I whispered. "It's okay. I know."
The urge to find Jack and beat the shit out of him was stronger, now that Claire was crying. I sighed and picked her up, carrying her into the house. I laid on the couch with her in my arms. Her cries slowly stooped.
"I'm so sorry,"she said again.
"There is nothing to be sorry for. "
"I'm the worst. "
I chuckled.
"Baby, you are far from the worst. "
I looked down at her and smiled.
"I ruin everything."
"No, yes you fuck up sometimes, but you're still a great person. "
She thought about something else to say, but probably couldn't put it into words, telling by her face.
"We dont have to go to the mall today,"I said.
"Then I won't get to spend time with you, "she whispered.
I grimaced. I felt bad that she thought I would leave her just because we couldn't go to the mall.
"We can stay here, watch some movies," I said.
"Sounds good. "
She got off of me and looked through our movies. She found one, which was probably The Breakfast Club.
After putting it in she came and stood in front of me.
"Can we cuddle? " she asked.
I sighed. Although the urge to hold her in my arms was strong, I couldn't do it. I was serious about taking time and taking things slow.
"I think it would be best if we don't. "

So this was just a quick filler chapter in Nate's point of view. I felt it would be good to let people know how he felt.I hope everyone that is reading this story is enjoying it. Goodnight /Goodmoring. Thanks for reading. Marrissa xxx

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