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I was glad that when I got home Nate was still at the studio. I took all of my bags into the house and then went upstairs with the pregnancy tests. I took two out and put the rest in the back of the bathroom cabinet.
Sighing I opened the first box, getting ready to pee on it. After I did what I had to do I sat it on a piece of toilet paper. I had to wait the longest five minutes of my life. While waiting, I peed on the other test. The timer on my phone finally went off and it was time to check the first test.
Shaking, I slowly picked the test up. It was negative. I let out a sigh of relief, but I knew one test could be wrong.
It was time to check the other test and I crossed my fingers hoping it was negative.
Gulping , I stuffed both of the tests in the box and carried them outside to throw them in the neighbors garbage can.
Both tests were negative, but I didn't want Nate to even know that I had the possibility of being pregnant. He would probably flip.
The negative tests said I wasn't pregnant, but they couldn't explain why my period hasn't came in so long . I wasn't pregnant, so it was positive that I had something else wrong me.
What was wrong with me?
This wasn't sitting right with me, so when I got back into the house , I called my gynecologist.
"Doctor Stuart's office," a overly friendly woman answered the phone.
"Hi, I would like to make an appointment and I think it needs to be as soon as possible."
I wanted to get to the bottom of this.
"Well we have one for next Monday at 10," she chirped.
I went to confirm the appointment when I heard a car pull up. Nate stepped out and started making his way to the house.
"Yeah, that's great," I rushed .
I heard the lady typing away.
"Name?" She asked.
"Claire Monroe," I said sitting on the couch and turning on the tv.
"Yep, I see your name, that's all. Notify us if-"
I cut her off by hanging up because Nate came threw the door .
"Hey baby."

I just realized this is the first time I used her last name. What do you think is wrong with Claire ?

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