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I woke up in the middle of the night sweaty and I couldn't breathe. I was still wrapped in Nate's arms, but I had to pull away.
This nightmare I had seemed so real and it had me in tears. Nate awoke from the sudden movement and saw me in the state I was in.
"Babe, what's wrong? " he said alert.
I continued to cry,  but I had to wrap my arms around him. He was okay, he was still here. He held me tight and I continued to sob.  I started to hyperventilate, so he pulled away.
"Babe,  breathe! "
I tried to slow down my breaths, but it wasn't working, I couldn't stop crying.
"Come on,  babe, count down with me. "
I nodded my head still crying.
"Ten. "
I tried to, but I couldn't. He groaned and picked me up carrying me downstairs to the kitchen, where he gave me a glass of water. I drank it and it helped my breathing some.
"Let's go outside and talk about; the fresh air will be good for you. "
I walked with him outside, my cries turned into sniffles and my breathing was returning back to normal.
"Whenever you're ready," he stated, putting his arm around me and I almost started to cry again.
"I had a dream about you and it was, so real. I thought I lost you forever, "I cried.
"Baby, "he said,  wrapping his arms around me."I'm not going anywhere. "
"It was so real. "
"I'm right here. "
"But for how long? "
I pulled away from him.
"You're going to leave me again and I can't take it.  It's destroying me. I won't be able to live with myself if something happened to you. "
"Babe, don't talk like that."
"Quit calling me baby and babe and acting like you care because you clearly don't,"I cried.
"But I do care, Claire. This is hard for me too. "
"It doesn't have to be. I just want us back. "
"I do too. "
"Then let's do it.  I need you and that dream was so scary. Please don't leave me. "
Nate pulled me into a tight hug.
"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. "

Damn. That was intense. I hope everyone has a great day. Two things I wanted to let you know: I'm making a Omaha squad preference and imagine book and I'm going to be posting a new Shawn Mendes story called Aggressive, so I'll let you know after it is published because I think a lot of you will like it.  Oh and if you haven't read Trust yet, my Cameron Dallas fanfic check it out.
Peace and Love
Marrissa xxx

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