no matter what

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I was pregnant.
"Listen, Claire. I can give you your options and you can talk to the child's father and figure out what you want to do," Dr. Stuart explained.
"No, I'm not getting an abortion," I stated becoming angry that he would even go there.
"You don't have to," he said ," Just let me know so I can prescribe you some prescriptions for some prenatal vitamins and set up some appointments for you."
I nodded my head. He continued to talk, but I wasn't listening . I wasn't upset or angry that I was pregnant I just wish that it wouldn't have happened now and that I wouldn't have to consider Jack as a possibility for my child's father.
"Can I have a copy of the ultrasound?" I asked.
"Of course."
"And how far along am I ?"
"Almost two months," Dr. Stuart stated.
Two months.
Now there was a real possibility of Jack being my child's father.
Dr. Stuart started talking again, about god knows what while I thought about my baby.
"Well, I'm going to get that copy of the ultrasound and write up the prescriptions and you can change and pick up the items up at the front desk," he stated.
I nodded my head and when he left I did what I had to do and made my way to the front. The receptionist smiled, but I knew she was silently judging me. I could feel it.
I got my ultrasound and the prescription and made my way to my car. Sitting in the car, the tears began to fall. I calmed myself down and started the drive home.
I was going to have to tell Nate and Jack. This could be either one of their child. I wish things wouldn't have to be like this, but it's my fault and I wasn't going to let it effect my child.
I parked in the driveway of my home and sat there for a moment with my hand on my stomach. I was pregnant and this was going to be my baby no matter what.
Nate stepped out the house and waved to me. I smiled back, but it faltered when I looked down at my stomach.
My baby no matter what.

What another update ?! She's pregnant for sure now. Who do you think the father is? Jack or Nate ? Who do you want to be the father ? This was just a filler btw. Peace and Love Marrissa xxxx

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