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I laid on the couch smiling at my ultrasounds of my baby boy. I couldn't wait to see my baby. I heard a noise upstairs and looked that way, but I didn't make a move it was just Nate working on the nursery.
Nate had been working on the nursery ever since we talked about it. He hasn't allowed me to go in the room at all and he hasn't even told me what he's doing. He told me it was a "surprise".
It's been really bothering me, but I respect his wishes.
"Claire!" He shouted , "Babe, come here."
I groaned, wondering what he wanted, but hopped of the couch and wobbled upstairs .
I looked in the hallway, but he wasn't there .
"Come in the nursery,"he said .
I stood in front of the closed nursery door with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you sure ?" I asked
"Babe, it's finished."
I could hear the smile in his voice. I slowly opened the door and my hand immediately flew to my mouth and covered it.
Not only was the room done perfectly with stuffed animals and a wooden crib, but Nate was on one knee holding a ring.
"Baby," he started and a tear had already fallen from my eyes. "We've been together for a while now and of course we had our ups and downs, but that just makes us who we are as a couple. You've supported me through everything and were there whenever I needed you. This baby made me realize what I already knew and that is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Claire Marie Monroe, will you marry me?"
I was crying tears of joy.
"Baby say something ,"Nate smiled.
"Yes, Nate of course, yes," I exclaimed.
He slipped the beautiful diamond ring on my finger and pulled me into a kiss.
I felt a nudge in my stomach an Nate felt it to .
"Jaden is happy too," I laughed ." Probably because of the amazing job you did on his room."
"You like it?"
"I love it, Nate. I love you."

Awww 😍. Nate put a ring on that 💍💎. This is getting so adorable, too bad there is only a few more chapters left 😩. So tell me whatcha think. 😏 GUYS DIGIFEST CLEVELAND WAS SO HYPE.  IT WAS ACTUALLY REALLY FUN. Nate wasn't there 😭 but Tez had facetimed him and I got to see his smiling face. Not gonna lie there were a few times where I thought he was going to pop out 🙊. but other than that. IT WAS AMAZING . EVERYONE KILLED IT . 💁

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