enough talking

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Nate stayed with me like he said , the only time he left was to get more things form Johnson's house.
While we were cuddling, on the couch, I decided to ask him to move back in.
"Nate? "I whispered.
"Yes, Claire, "he said with his eyes clothes.
"Open your eyes, " I said, straddling his waist.
"Oohh, I like this, "he said, placing his hands on my hips.
I giggled, pushing them away.
"I want to talk. "
"Haven't we done enough talking, "he whined playfully.
"No, "I laughed. "But I'm serious. "
"Okay, what's up?" he asked, now playing with my hands.
"I want you to move back in, " I said, bluntly.
"You know I was right; we have done enough talking, it's time for action. I'll move back in, right now or after I do this. "
Before I could say anything his lips were pressed against mine. We both pulled away with a smile
"I love you."
"I love you too and I was serious about right now and taking action.  Go put some clothes on; we're going to Jack's house. "
My eyes widened.
"Right now right now? "
"Yes, if you get dressed, " he groaned.
I squealed, hopping off of him and running upstairs.
"You better hurry before I change my mind, " he chuckled.
I rushed and put on leggings and a sweater. After I was done I skipped downstairs with a smile on my face.
"Let's go, "I rushed Nate laughing.
He laughed getting up and grabbing his keys.
"One more question," I said when we got into the car.
"Yes, babe? " he said turning to face me.
"Are you going to give Jack his house key back or are you going to keep it just in case? "
He grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"I told you I wasn't going anywhere. I'm giving him his key back. There is no just in case," Nate said with a smile.
"Now let's go get the rest of my things. "

Sweet, little update.  Anyways I posted a preference and imagine book that I just started. You should check it out. 
Peace and Love
Marrissa xxx

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