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"Babe, you want to take Bruno to the basketball court? "Nate asked, already dressed in basketball shorts, a tank, and tennis shoes.

He must have a game planned with the rest of the boys.

"Sure,"I said.

I love watching him play and Bruno could use a good walk. I changed into a outfit that was similar to Nate's, it was just smaller to fit my frame. I put my hair into a bun and Nate handed me Bruno's leash that was already attached to his collar.

When we got to the basketball court we had to wait for Sammy because he's always late. Whilst waiting for Samuel, Nate and I sat on a bench and messed around.

Sammy finally showed up and they started their game. I watched as Nate became serious, scoring points, with Johnson on his team, and stealing the ball from Gilinsky. As Nate went to put the ball up for another shot Sammy slammed into him and they both fell hard.

I left Bruno tied to a bench and ran over to them. Sam was on top of Nate's ankle and Nate was groaning in pain. Sammy got up with no problem, but Nate was hurt badly.

"Nate you okay? "I asked.

I touched his ankle lightly and he winced in pain.

"I'm so sorry, "I said quickly. "This looks bad. "

"It feels pretty fucking bad too, " Nate groaned.

"We have to go to the hospital. You guys carry him to our car and I'll grab our stuff. "

Gilinsky, Johnson, and Sammy lifted him up with ease and made their to the car. I grabbed everyone's items and Bruno. I handed them their things and gave Bruno to Gilinsky.

He gave me a confused look.

"I can't take him to the hospital. "

"Alright. Text us."

I drove Nate to the hospital, listening to his groans of pain.

Nate had to get an ankle cast, pain medicine, and the doctor told him to stay off of his foot. He was angry at that part because he hates not being able to do what he wants.

"You okay? " I asked, in the car.

"Yeah. "

"Do you want anything?"


"Does it hurt? "

"No, Claire! "

"Why are you mad at me?"

"Because you're really being annoying right now," he said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry for trying to be a good girlfriend and making sure you have everything you need," I stated .

I cant believe him right now.

"I'm sorry, "he said

"You should be, "I whispered.

We got Bruno back and we both sat in silence, until he wanted to make fun of the situation.

"You know what the worst part of this is? "

"No? "

"We can't have sex until like 3 weeks. "

"Who said we couldn't? "

"Doctor said I have to stay off of me foot and you like some kinky shit. "

I rolled my eyes.

"You like it too. "

"If basketball didn't do this first, I'm pretty sure you would have, "he laughed.

I hit his chest, but laughed with him.

This is us. We may not be a perfect couple, but who is.

Love Always || Nate Maloley [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now