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As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them. It was bad enough that I slept with Jack, but telling Nate like this deepened the pain.
"You slept with Jack? " he asked.
The look on his face was mixed with pain,  confusion, and you could tell there was anger.
I nodded my head.
"You didn't even wait to jump into bed with someone, I can't believe this. "
The anger was gone. He sat back down on the bed and I saw Nate at his most sensitive time. He was crying and I couldn't take it anymore. This was all my fault.
I broke down too. This all had to be a bad nightmare. I tried to control my sobs before I had an anxiety attack. Sitting in front of Nate I grabbed his face in my hands.
"Nate, look at me. "
He held his head up, but I still had his face in my hands.
"I'm sorry, " I said before bursting into tears again.
Nate wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm sorry,"I said again.
"Maybe a break would be a good idea,"he spoke.
I cried harder.
"Not a break up just a break. I think we need some time a part. I still love you though Claire. "
"I love you, too. "
"I'll never stop loving you; you know this ."
He hugged me tighter.
We sat there for a while and he pulled away.
"I should leave, promise me you won't do anything stupid or wrong. "
"I promise. Promise me you love me no matter what. "
"I promise. "
He got up and started to pick up the items that he did have.
"I'll pay for whatever I ruined."
"You don't have to,"he said.
"I want to. We could go to the mall. "
"We're taking it slow remember. "
"Yes. It doesn't have to be a big thing," I said looking down.
"But I will take you up on that offer. I'll call you."
We awkwardly hugged and he left. I was alone again, but I knew we would be okay. We were always okay.

Love Always || Nate Maloley [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now