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Claire Monroe
I was finally nine months pregnant and I looked like I could pop at any minute . My supposed due date was in three days, but I felt like my baby boy was ready to come today .
I woke up uncomfortable at 4 in the morning and eased out of bed, so I wouldn't wake Nate . I decided to go sit in Jaden's room, in the rocking chair that was in it.
I picked up one of his stuff animals and took a seat . I laid my hand on my stomach and started to slowly rock back and forth. Sighing, I closed my eyes in content.
"Baby," Nate said, coming into the room , " What are you doing ?"
I opened my eyes to him sitting in front of me on his knees.
"This is comfortable ," I mumbled.
"Why didn't you wake me ?"he asked.
"Because I didn't want to worry you," I sighed, putting my hands in his hair and started to play with it.
"Mhmm, come back to bed I'll help you get comfortable ."
I nodded my head, it would probably be best if I did lay down in bed.
Nate helped me up and walked with me to our bedroom, but I abruptly stopped feeling a gush of water.
"Nate," I said looking at him with wide eyes," My water broke."
"We need to get to the hospital."
I felt a sharp pain and nodded my head .
Nate ran to put pants on and grabbed the bag while I through some pants on and got in the car. When I sat down in the car I felt something else in my stomach, but this time I could tell it was a small kick from Jaden, my baby boy was ready. I rubbed my stomach hoping to soothe him and felt another kick to the stomach . I groaned hoping Nate would hurry up, so I could meet my beautiful boy.
Nate finally made his way into the car and I felt another sharp pain, I could now confirm that these pains had to be contractions .
"You okay ?" Nate asked .
"Contractions," I said, "They're far apart don't worry, just drive."
We finally made it to the hospital and Nate rushed in holding my hand .
"My fiancé is going into labor!" He exclaimed letting out a breath.
"My fiancé is going into labor."

I tried to ease it into her going into labor and giving birth. I didn't just want to be like "her water broke and a baby fell out"  😂😂.

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