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"I was invited."
Jack stood in front of me with an awkward look on his face. Considering the situation that no one, but us and Jack Johnson knew about, it was going to be awkward.
"Oh, that's my fault I told them you might not be coming because of that stuff you were supposed to be working on," Johnson lied.
"I guess I'm just surprised to see you here," I faked smiled, " I already talked to your parents; why didn't you come with them?"
"I just decided to come on my own."
The small party of people that we were talking to had walked away to eat food and other things, so it was now just Nate, Jack, and I.
"I'll leave if you want me to ," he said handing Nate the gift he brought.
I looked at Nate and looked back at Jack.
"You don't have to, but we need to talk."
Nate raised his brow at my words, but I shook it off and grabbed the gift from him and handed it back to Jack .
"We can walk and talk," I stated, " Nate , babe, go talk to more people, I'll be there in a minute."
I kissed Nate's cheek and watched him glare at Jack as we walked to take his gift to the small gift tent.
"I'm sorry," Jack spat out.
"Honestly it's fine," I smiled, " You had an opinion and voiced it and it made Nate and I closer than ever."
I played with my engagement ring.
"I still am sorry, it's just I was scared-"
"Jack don't ," I stopped him, " Don't make excuses."
"You're right."
"I know."
"What did you want to talk to me about?"
We had now reached the gift tent an he placed it on top of other things.
"You're not the father of this baby," I stated firmly," No matter what, even if we find out your the biological father, you're not. Nate is the father and that's that ."
I looked at him waiting for a reply.
"It better be because that's how it's going to be."
I knew I was being harsh, but I had to.
"That's fine, I just wanted you to know I'm sorry and I hope we can all move past this."
"We can, we've already did," I said gesturing to Nate across the grass.
"I'm glad; you deserve each other, congratulations again."
"Thank you."
I wrapped my arms around him and saw Nate staring, so I motioned for him to come by. I gave him a look and he nodded his head.
"We cool man?"
"Yeah , we're cool."
The did their bro hug thing and I watched them.
"Claire, it's time for your mom said it's time for you to open gifts."
I took Nate's hand and smiled.
"Let's go fiancée ."

Hmm. Idk . Good terms with Gilinsky 🌚, could have held a grudge there. Tell me what you think, I really would like to know 😊. But this was just a filler 😏.

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