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Hi loves, this is the story of Lottie. 

I can't believe it's what- the seventh story in the series? Christ. 

Well, it's going to be pretty disconnected from the other's, so you don't have to read any of the others to read this one. 

This will be taking place timeline wise after in Emersyn's Light, but there will admittedly be some disconnects from it. For example, there will be no mention of a pandemic because I want to go back to the imaginary world I have created that doesn't involve corona. However the story line with Em and August is still the same, they're still out travelling and volunteering together. 

Lottie in this book will be 17, turning 18 in the summer. And is in her last year of high school.

Anyway, any more questions?

If not, go ahead to Chapter 1


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