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lottie's pov

I love you.

Is all I could think of saying to Rowan.

I was stunned. Still. So was he.

I had watched him walk away from me. My eyes on my mum, watching her pick up a broken looking Blaise and take him with Mr Lees to her office. I watched as Scarlett threw me a devested look and walked away, the opposite way to Roe.

Nathan and I looked at each other.

It was a cold exchange. I wanted to throttle him. I wanted to wrap my hands around his throat just like he had done my boyfriend's and I wanted to strangle him against the locker.

But instead, my eyes flashed me the image of Roe's poor head as he smacked back against the locker so I pushed past Nathan and I headed to find Rowan.

I was heading past the nurse's officer and when I saw her give me a sympathetic look I knew already that what just happened had already spread around school. Even the staff knew.

"Can I have an ice pack please?" I ask her.

She didn't even say anything. Just nodded and made one up for me, wrapping it in paper towels.

I take it and I go and head towards the back of the school. Our stairway.

God I wish I could cover my ears as I past people.

Scrap that, I wish I could have covered his. Because people were whispering and I don't think it just started as I rounded the corner towards the back of the school. Teenagers who were standing by their lockers gossiping, just quietened as I passed them.

But I could hear them.

And I am sure Rowan may have heard them as he passed them too.

"Do you really think Nathan hit her because she wouldn't sleep with him?"

"I doubt it. She was sleeping with him then anyway. Why would she say no?"

"I wouldn't." Some girls giggled as I walked past.

"Do you think she has a violence kink?"

"Look at her face." They whispered.

"I heard it happened at Soccer."

"Nah did you see how guilty Rowan Carter looked?"

"He definitely hit her."

"Shit. I never realised he was mental-"

"I mean he was mute, wasn't he?"

Because I couldn't fight everyone, I started to hurry up to get passed them. Pushing through the crowd who were heading to class and I practically burst through the doors to the stairwell.

I take a breath and run my hand through my hair.


I hate it here.

I hate it here so much.

My heart was heavy as I climbed the stairs looking for him because I just knew that it was bad. I knew what Blaise had said. I knew it was enough for this to be really fucking bad.

I found him lying down, his back flat against the cold platform that broke up two levels of stairs.

I love you.

Is all that popped into my head as soon as I saw him.

God I loved him and Blaise just fucking-

God I hate everyone.

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