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"Okay Mr train track boy." I say stressed, moving back as I observe him walk out to the middle of the tracks and he looks like he's pulsing, or rocking, I don't know.

I, oh gosh, this reminds me of my older brother.

This is why I had to help. We've almost lost my brother a few times to this sort of thing.

"Hey, what's your name?" I press on. 

He doesn't look up, instead, he crouches down, pressing his hand against something which I am very sure should be electric. My eyes are probably popped out of my skull by now.

What the fuck is going on?

I look both ways, seeing finally a few others rushing towards us.

My heart is hammering so fast. 

You know when you just see something so wrong, dangerous. 

Like we've been taught for a very long time that trains and humans do not mix well. 

Fucking hell man. "Okay not to make this about me, but I really don't have the capacity to jump on the tracks and save your ass right now ok? I have my own stuff going on."

He fully sits down now and I hear some officers shouting for people to stay back and I look up to see Scarlett on top of the bridge watching as officers and a train guard comes running down the steps and towards us.

He looks up at me then, the guy, his eyes desperate and he lifts his hands.



He's signing.

I lift my hands to my face in stress.

"I don't know what that means." I admit, looking back at him with equal distress. "Come up here." I lift my arms to reach for him, asking him to come closer but he just lowers his eyes back down and my heart stops when I notice out of the corner of my eye a train. But relief suddenly floods me when I see that it's stood still, stopped before it ever got to the station.

"What's his name love?" An officer says as he approaches and I shake my head.

I would usually be mad about the pet name. But I feel right now there are more pressing matters.

"I don't know, I don't know him. I just saw him here."

He nods and another officer jumps down onto the tracks, crouching down to reach him. I guess they already shut off the electricity. 

"I think he's deaf, like he signed to me." I try and be helpful, giving them the only information I know about him. 

The older officer nods, sitting down next to me and the officer on the tracks places a hand on the guys shoulder and i watch as he flinches away from him.

The officer next to me speaks into his radio. "10-52 for 10-56A, over."

I just look at him.

He looks at me. "You okay?"

I nodded and moved away from him a little, standing up and watching in slight shock as the guy starts to move away from the officer in clear utter frustration. He looks so confused, he looks at me with equal confusion. 

As if to ask why I called for them. 

The other officer jumps down on the tracks too and I watch in distress as they detain the poor guy, he doesn't speak, he just struggles in their touch and I look around to see Scarlett walking up to us.

The officers pull him up onto the platform and then sit him down, I think they're waiting for an ambulance.

But wow ok, that was random for a Monday night. Stressful. 

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