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lol just like long. hope u enjoy:)


Rowan's POV

Lottie was asleep beside me, her hair curling slowly at the ends as it dries. The saltwater making it almost like ringlets. It was funny, I had never seen it curl like this before.

Gem was making me write stories again. Which is slightly hilarious because it would not be great if anyone was to steal this book. They start off at horror stories, of course, I start them off with whatever the intrusive thought was that popped into my head. Then I turn it around and fictionally fix the ending so that it's all okay.

She says that ignoring my compulsions doesn't seem to be helping very much. That we need to reframe the intrusive thoughts so that the compulsion might not come.

Which is what I said from the very beginning.

But hey, they didn't section me. So all is pretty good.

I can write little stories. It also does help. It helps to distract, and it helps to change the ending of the intrusive thought. Like they're just thoughts, I can carry on the thought so I can fix it.

I used to do this and it used to help. I guess I just got so distracted by life that I stopped.

"Is she asleep?" River asks, walking around from sitting by Fran and Sutton to over to us. I nod. He laughs and he sits down by her head and pokes her.

I frown, unhappy that he was waking her up.

"Lots." He says pushing her head to wake her up. She turns to her back and bats her arms around, trying to hit him to make him go away. Her shoulder brushed my thigh as she did this and I didn't move away. I just chilled here watching them.

"Your parents are trying to get in touch with you." He says, rolling his eyes at her moodiness and he catches her hand in his, holds it. "They just wanna make sure you're ok and you haven't replied."

"You could've just told them I was asleep." She complains.

He drops her hand and pats her head, once. "I didn't know until I was here."

She sits up, adjusts her bikini properly and a slight shiver runs through her. "It's cold."

"Move into the sun." I say, my own voice sounding cold to me ears.

Lottie glances my way, as if just remembering I was here. She pulls River's top towards her and puts it on, covering herself up and then moves over towards Sutton, into the sun.

Fran stands up and takes her place in the shade and I try not to get uncomfortable at the stupid fact that she had put on his top and neither of them had commented about it.

It is fine.

I can't even have an issue with it.

I don't have an issue with it.

I am trying not to have an issue with it.

They're friends. She's this close with Sutton.

Okay. So it's different with River. I don't know him and I admit I don't like it. That's fine. I can internally not like the fact that they are so close. But I cannot make any comments or let it show.

I nod once to myself. It is not her problem that I am jealous.

Do not make it her problem.

Lottie lies back out in the sun beside Sutton and starts to message her parents back and Sutton clears his throat to get my attention.

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