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This definitely needs refining- like the chapter is messy but i had a lot to include so yeah- er happy reading:) Remember to vote and comment. 

Also shout out to Casteelsfavhoneydew ! They haven't even reached this book yet they're on chapter 88 August Nights but they have consistently been commenting this past week and it has been making me so happy lately. <3 so thank you love, hope this doesn't freak you out ! 

p.s this chapter changes POV a few times so keep an eye out for that so you're not confused. 

Lottie's POV. 

Once Rowan went home, I started to awkwardly search for Blaise. Awkward because I didn't really want to go and find him, I wanted to go back to mum or find Ava and Mason, but I had a feeling I might have to do a little bit of damage control.

I head towards his class as I knew he had physics this afternoon. The science corridor was full of people who were really freaking smart and it made me smile because I knew Rowan has biology this afternoon, if he hadn't gone home that is.

God, I wonder what his attendance is?

Will it be high enough for him to graduate?

I am sure the school would be understanding with everything that's been going on with him. Well they should be. But mum is worried about it, like his attendance, so maybe that means they're not?

I find Blaise stood outside his classroom, waiting for the bell to go.

"Hi. I am sorry." I say to him.

He looks up from his phone at me.

"I'm sorry I sorta like- left you." I say, even though he was the one to walk away. But I initially left and then brought Rowan to our table. "Just Rowan-" I start to explain.

Blaise cocks his head to the side and asks. "Do you just take care of everyone around you?"

I pause.

His voice was set at weird distant temperature, and I frown in confusion.

He explains. "My whole relationship with Scarlett, she would come to you. If we fought or if she fell out with her parents- she would wanna go to yours."

I lift my arms up to wrap around my own waist, confused.

"You and me." He says. "We are only friends because I have needed your help."

I breathe out a weird cold laugh.

"Your relationship with that guy- it's just you helping him."

I pull a harsher face at him because that is not true.

"My relationship with Rowan is not like that."

"But it is like that with Scarlett and me?" He asks.

"No. It just happened that Scar consistently needed my help and support. And plus, I never really helped her, she'd just come over and we'd lay in bed."

"So she was using you?" Blaise asks and the bell rings to tell us we need to go to class and he just shrugs and goes to turn around. I ask him to wait, this conversation becoming stressful.

"No. She wasn't just using me."

"Am I just using you for your support?" He asks me.

I bite my cheek and then release it when he's genuinely just staring at me in curiosity.

"I don't know. Are you?"

"Well, I did dislike you before you started to help me"

I frown and look down. "I have class." I mumble, looking at the movement of people around us instead of him. "And this is just sorta hurting my feelings so-"

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