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Idk what this chapter is lol. but Rowan's POV next chapter. 

Happy Reading. I hope it's ok:) Remember to comment and vote! By voting and commenting it boosts the book up on the hashtag ratings so people find the book more:)

We were waiting for lines to show.

It had already been five minutes, mine was clear, I had done this a few times. I know that the one line means clear and that there wasn't another one coming.

Thank the lord.

Emersyn was still staring down at her one line in silence.

I think she was still stressing, waiting for another line to come up.

"Em you're all good." I say, sitting back on my bed. "Both of us are all clear."

She just looks up at me. "Your brother is going to murder me, doing pregnancy tests with his little sister."

I wave it off. "He doesn't need to know anything."

She just looks back down at the test in her hands. "I really thought I was pregnant."

I just watch her carefully.

November went to the shop, to get everyone chocolate. She said she'd be back.

I nod. "I know you did."

"But I am not." Em says and she comes and sits down next to me. Looking at the test.

I nod slowly. "You're not."


I look at her, slowly becoming concerned. "Are you sad?" I whisper.

I am relieved, obviously, about myself.

Emersyn doesn't seem relieved.

"No, no I am relieved. Obviously. I am too young and well we haven't been together that long and well- I, I okay I don't know." She whispers and looks down at her test. "Shit I really thought..."

I start feeling awkward, not awkward I just mean... I can comfort people if I know they need comforting. She's being hard to read.

I just watch her, unsure.

The doorbell goes and I sigh relieved as I knew it would be November, Em's mum. I quickly jump up and go and open the front door, November asks me silently what she is going to walk into when she enters my room.

"It's negative," I whisper. "But... she's-"

Nova smiles softly, nodding. "Yeah I know, deep down she's going to be a little upset."

I nod, understanding. Nova moves past me and she pushes my door open. Em is still looking at her test and Nova mumbles "Oh Em."

Emersyn looks up at Nova and she laughs. "Silly isn't it? I feel like- I feel like I've lost something. It's so ridiculous."

I shake my head, so does Nova as she goes over to Em and sits beside her. I watch as Em leans on her mum, her head falling to her shoulder and Nova hugs her a little, rubbing her shoulder reassuringly.

"Emersyn it's ok to be a little sad."

Em nods. "Okay yeah, I am relieved but I am also a little sad."

I walk over to my mirror then, letting them have their moment. Nova knows what to say more than I do.

Imagine if I was pregnant.

God I'd have to tell Nathan, which would mean I would have to talk to him. Actually no, I wouldn't have to tell him would I? Like it's my body, he actually wouldn't have to know anything.

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