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Chapter 9- happy reading! leave me comments to wake up to in the morning:)))

"I saw that guy from the tracks at school today." Scarlett tells me, I was laid in my bed, my phone pressed up to my ear as we talked.

"Oh... oh really?" I say.

"Yes, I thought you'd be more interested. I was literally waiting to tell you this right now instead of texting you."


"I knew he went to this school, I thought I told you." I say easily.

"No." She says quickly. "Wait you knew?"

"Yeah, because mum knows him."

"Oh!" She exclaims. "Do you know why he was down on the tracks then? Like I wonder what happened? What's going on with him."

My eyebrows raise. She never, ever cares about people or like gets curious about people.

"Where is this coming from?" I ask her.

Mum and I hadn't really been home long. But as Dad and Cole were still at work, mum had started prepping dinner, dad's making it for them all tonight. She was about to ask me to help when Scarlett called me.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"The interest in this kids' life?"

"I- I don't care, I just felt like you would be interested."

"I mean, yeah, I am."

"Lottie." She sighs. "We're good right?"

"Yeah, what do you mean?"

"Never have I ever had to think about what I am going to talk to you about, pre plan it, choose something that I know you'll be interested in so you'll want to talk to me. It's been weird between us lately."

"No it hasn't." I frown, sitting up. "What do you mean?"

"We hardly see eachother after school anymore, it's just the weekends and then even at school we never stay together."

"Scarlett." I frown. She's never this insecure. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I am fine. I just am stressed about us. Like I- where were you last night?"

"Last night? I was out with Sutton."

"Who is this guy you're seeing? Honestly I- you just ended it with Nath, like I am not judging but I am worried he's taking advantage-"

"Why'd you ask where I was?" I ask first. "And Scar, I swear I am not seeing him like that. I am not shy, if I was sleeping with him I would tell you. But I am not."

"I went to come to yours but your locations said you were in the middle of nowhere so... I couldn't."

"I am sorry, you should have just sneaked in anyway. I wouldn't have minded coming back to you."

"It's alright I went to Blaise's."


"Stop." She laughs a little. "But yeah, he was annoying. He wouldn't let me just lie there and not talk."

You probably freaked him out."

"Mhm, and I was grumpy, so he thinks I am off with him."

"Maybe you should be off with him."

"Lottie." She sighs. "Like I get it, but I love him so-"


How can she love him when he really is horrible.

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