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hiya! happy reading. remember to vote and comment. this is a long chapter. 

Sutton and Rowan are outside.

Like Sutton text me saying they're at the end of the road.

Which was a problem for me because I have been waiting all night for my parents to head up to bed. But I can hear them chatting and laughing together in the front room still.

They can do this in their bedroom, I don't know what they're doing.

But the issue is that they will a hundred percent catch me if I try to leave.

Hell, did I tell you that my dad 'fixed' my window so that I can't get it all the way open anymore? Apparently, it's for protection against bulgers. I think he did it sometime after I told him Rowan and Sutton slept in my bed.

So anyway, that means no more sneaking out out the side window. I will have to just sneak out through the back or front door.

Which I guess I can do, hell I need keys.

Honestly, it's so much more complicated not being able to just leave out my window.

The keys are in the Goddamn kitchen anyway.

I am going to have to ask for permission.

It's twenty past midnight.

Oh god.

I text Sutton saying I'll be out as soon as I can and I grab my giant fluffy snood and put it on, grabbing my phone and then heading to the kitchen for my keys.

I grab them off the hook and hesitantly walk to the front room double doors that are closed.

My parents aren't ever overly affectionate around us. I mean they show us affection between themselves and my father will always have one hand attached to my mum when he can.

But they're very discrete.

Which we have all been thankful for.

They're not like Aunty Novie and Cole. Poor Emersyn.

I knock on the doors and my mum calls my name in question.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah sweet."

So I push the doors open and immediately smile when I see them on the living room floor, surrounded by our baby pictures and old empty albums.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

Both of them shrug. "We're disowning you." Dad says. "Taking you out of the pictures."

I nod. "Fair enough, I knew you hated having a daughter all this time."

My mum hushes us both and she just explains. "I want to reorganise the albums into years and ages. It's all so unorganised and I didn't realise it would take this long but your dad's sat down to help me now."

"She keeps stopping to admire the pictures, we're never going to get it done."

"I am sorry, they were my babies."

"We're still your babies mum."

"Sweet." She smiles at me and taps a space on the floor next to her, indicating I join them.

I wince.

"What is it?" My dad asks.

"My friends... they're here, we're gonna go for a drive."

"Lottie it's a school night."

"Look I am wide awake; the car makes me sleepy. I will either be in my room and awake or out with them."

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