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I love you all and please comment and vote! Also I updated pretty quickly yes? Like well done to me. 

Also x2 shout out to Zoe and Victoria because their tiktoks about the books literally make my day. 

Happy reading:

Lottie's POV.

Rowan was sweating, one of his arms was under me, the other, wrapped around me holding me to him all throughout the rest of the morning.

I dozed off and on, he was out cold, fast asleep.

But he was hot, I only noticed it about five minutes ago, how hot he was.

I lifted my hand between us to feel his neck, to feel whether he was clammy. It's probably late morning now, both of us still sleepy because of the late night.

I slept as if I was in heaven this morning, I am not going to lie, the physical touch from Rowan, the grip he had on me was so nice. It was security I haven't felt before, a comfort that went so many layers deep that I didn't need to question what I was feeling.

I knew.

But although it was normal for me, to crave this closeness, it wasn't normal for him.

He usually lets me hug him, he hugs me even, he gives me affection.

So much more than I ever thought he was capable of.

But this level, this grip, this wasn't a normal regulated version of him.

But that wasn't my concern right now, as Rowan stirred from his sleep and I slid my hand up to feel his face, I froze a little.

He was so cold last night, like I literally covered him with my body in hopes to warm him up.

But now, like I said before, he was the opposite.

He was hot.

I pull away from him and he groans and reaches for me.

I rub my eyes, sitting up and looking down at him.

He was sweating, like actual little beads on his forehead and I pulled a face at it.

It's a little warm in my room, my mum keeps the heating on until the summer because she runs cold, but it's not hot enough for him to be this hot.

"Roe?" I whisper down at him, lifting my hand to his head.

He keeps his eyes closed, turning his face away from me. I gently stroke his head and frown down at him.

Is he sick?

I bend my head and press a very small and gentle kiss to his ear, whispering a small wake up.

He breathes out annoyed.

I smile at that.

"Roe?" I laugh and he groans, slowly opening his eyes.

I look over to my night stand and check the time, it's eleven, we should be awake and up anyway.

He turns his head and sees me, I was sat up on the bed, my body still touching his because his arms were on my lap but he seemed sort of confused why I was awake.

He closes his eyes again.

"No." I laugh and press my hand on his forehead, grimacing when it was clammy and gross. "I think you have a temperature."

"Shh." He mutters but opens his eyes back up and I smile down at him.

Ah he's pale.

Don't be ill Roe, I am a bad person when it comes to sick people.

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