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Lo this is a unnecessary chapter that just gives you more relationship building but no actual progressive storyline scenes- enjoy.

Remember to vote and comment loves, it helps me feel motivated to write :)

Rowan's POV.

She was sat crossed-legged on the stone wall as we pulled up, she was on the phone her cheeks flushed with irritation and Sutton muttered a small "Oh God" as she didn't even notice when we pulled up.

"Did I tell you she got in a fight at school yesterday?" I say, pulling into a parking space.

Sutton looks at me. Surprised. "What?"

"Like genuinely a physical fight."


"Yeah, well okay I don't know if they fought fought, but there was water involved, shoving, that sort of shit."

"She's a messy person." He says, looking at her.

"You're not wrong." I tell him. "But I don't think it was her fault,  one of her friends was being horrible an asshole or something."

"I should have phoned her last night." Sutton sighs. "I didn't know she was asleep at yours because of that."

"I think she was just exhausted."

"You two are friendly now." Sutton says.


"Does India know?" He says and as I roll my eyes a little, he sniggers.

"Know what?"

"You know what she was like before, she was even insecure before you stopped talking to her. She's going to be a nightmare now that you're friends with Lottie."

"Oh she probably won't really know anyway. Plus it's just Lottie."

India wasn't insecure, not like Sutton suggested. She just wasn't sure how I felt about her so it would stress her out- it was my fault. I am a little hot and cold sometimes. Meaning that although my feeling didn't change for her through our relationship, like I liked her, I do like her. She was never really sure what I was thinking. Towards the last few months, as the OCD got worse, one day I was able to deal with everything that came with hanging out with India, and another day I just couldn't.

Meaning I would be cold and off.

So she was constantly asking what I felt for her.

Which Sutton said was insecurity.

But like I said, I do think I created that.

"I'll go get her." Sutton says, nodding to Lottie. "Try and deescalate whatever she's mad about."

I nod a little, unsure what he'll be able to do. I just mean, she's pretty strong willed so.

Anyway, Sutton gets out the car and I watch as Lottie looks up and sees him now that he had emerged from the vehicle.

To my surprise she smiles brightly at him and hangs up the phone, jumping off the wall and Lottie walks towards Sutton.

I watch as he helps grab her bags and they walk over to my car.

She gets in the front, sending me a quick grin and then she buckles herself in, ignoring the way Sutton is climbing into the back in annoyance.

"That's rude." He says. "You can't just steal my seat."

"Well Rowan likes me more than you." She says. "So I get front seat."

"Oh sure he does." Sutton laughs and I just pretend like I don't exist because giving an opinion on the matter would not be in my favour, I am sure.

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