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Comment and love on me pls:)

Lottie's POV

Whatever virus Rowan gave me was pretty quick to leave me, the same way it was for him. It was Friday morning now and although I should probably be dragging myself to school, mum said I could stay home and rest.

And although I would usually say no to that type of offer, tea was canceled this afternoon and Friday isn't a soccer day anymore, so I thought it was ok to skip. I know It's not skipping if your mum/guidance counselor said it was ok to be absent, but it still felt a little like skipping.

I was laying in bed, unhappy because I just heard my parents leave for work and they didn't come and say goodbye. Which rationally I know is because they were probably assumed I went back to sleep. But now I am just sad.

I bring my phone up and respond to a few messages I missed last night.

Blaise: I have to go to school for a meeting tomorrow, are you gonna be in?

I was asleep when he has text me last night, it was gone midnight, so I reply now.

Lottie: No I am staying home today, feel pretty tired still and just want to rest

He replies actually quickly. He's been very blunt over text. I don't know if that is just him or whether it's just what he's like at the moment.

Blaise: Okay, you want anything?

Lottie: Thank you but I'm ok,  did you talk to Scarlett?

Blaise: Yeah, turns out she's not a 'let's sit down and have an honest conversation' type of person.

Lottie: I could have told you that, she hasn't ever had that modeled to her from her parents so how can she be expected to understand it?

Blaise: Can I call you?

Lottie: Aren't you at school?

Blaise: Yeah but just waiting in the car park for your mum and my parents to get here too

I press the call button, sitting up in bed a little.

"Hey." He answers quietly, it was not a cold greeting, but he didn't seem happy.

"Hi." I mumble back, my throat was pretty scratchy still but it wasn't anything bad.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better." I say quietly. This Blaise is strange. He's not hard and cold, he's almost warm, quiet, open. I guess it's sober Blaise, or maybe dealing with his Trauma Blaise, I don't know.

"You ok, why did you want to call?" I ask.

"I have shaky hands from I guess withdrawal still, er, typing is hard."

"You still sober?" I ask cautiously.


"You promise?"

"Yeah I mean propositioning you for sex was a pretty big low of mine, don't want to go there again."

I laughed. "Excuse you, the idea of having sex with me should not be a rock bottom for you."

He laughs, it's almost as real as mine.

"Don't take offense. You know what I mean."

"I do." I chuckle, smiling a little to myself. "How was your conversation with Scar?"

He sighs. "I told her about the drugs and the er- dependence on them. I said that I was going through some sort of low and that was the only way to deal."

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