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hi update! rememeber to vote and comment loves:)

Lottie's POV. 

River and Audrie had the type of hair that was extremely hard to get a hairbrush through. Let alone a nit comb. But I was determined to do this and not have any complaints of pain from the little girl.

I didn't really care about hurting River as much.

He could deal.

But I lathered conditioner through little Audrie's hair, River sat down on the cold bathroom floor next to where I was kneeling in front of the bath, Audrie's back to me.

She wasn't really sure what was going on.

I had explained to Nova what I was doing. River knew that I had done this. He wasn't impressed. But Nova was responsible for them both so I convinced River that I had to tell her what we were up to.

Everyone is downstairs on the balcony, they're just eating the bits that dad prepared earlier, all chilling and talking.

Audrie was getting bored and restless, so I did one final comb through and helped her wash out the rest of the lotion.

"Have they had a lot of foster kids?" River asks quietly, leaning his back against the wall next to us.

He was watching me so carefully, as if ready to attack if I placed one fingertip wrong to hurt his sister.

I was surprised how much his attitude switches between being the annoying older brother to the protective guardian.

I wonder how long it's been just them for?

I wouldn't ask.

Instead, I start brushing Audrie's hair out softly and pick up my scissors. I was just going to trim the ends. Her hair starts to coil and curl towards the end, and I think if I trimmed it up a bit it would probably get much curlier the healthier it became. I also figure out an answer to River's question.

"Er they haven't for a while. I thought they were done with it to be honest. Especially now that Emersyn is moving home."

"Where was she?"

"Er she worked in voluntarily programmes through different countries."

"Doing what?"

"Lots of different things. I think they were both based in a school the last couple of months though."


"Like my brother and Em."

"Oh." River says easily.

"How many kids have Nova and Cole been through? How long do they usually take them for?"

"Er..." I say. "The shortest has been for one night. Like just emergency placements and the longest has probably been like just before the year mark."

"What happened to the kids?"

"They usually go back to their families."


I look at him. "Not always though, sometimes a more permanent solution is made. Like another family member takes them in or like they get properly adopted. Especially the younger children."

"Mm." He says uninterested and I take that as a hint to change the subject.

"So your aim is to look after Audrie on your own?" I ask him quietly.

"Yeah." He says and her head falls back on the back, looking at her older brother. Neither of them says anything but she gives him a little tired smile and he returns it.

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