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HI SURPRISE UPDATE:) This took long to write so hope you enjoy it. 

We have been doing the assembly all day. Like first was the younger years and now it's the older years and I am just sat on the side of the stage, we were currently doing the year below us, their assembly.

My voice has gone.

Which is a disaster.

I am drinking hot lemon and honey that has been forced into my hand by Mrs Brown.

"How is it feeling?" She asks.

"Ok." I reply. Or croak. It's not ok.

"You're not allowed to talk."

"But I have to sing." I say, my parts coming up and she shakes her head and lifts her hand to my forehead.

"You don't have a fever. But you have clearly worn your voice out today so no more. Someone else will fill in for you, just sit in the audience and watch when it comes to your years."

"Are you mad?" I whisper. Because for some reason whispering doesn't feel as bad.

"No. But I want you to stop talking now. Literally, I want you on voice rest until Monday. You need to come back into school fixed because your audition is next Friday and we need to practice."

I nod and she waves her hand to dismiss me. So I just slide away and head out the doors with my mug of hot tea, trying to figure out where to go until lunchtime.



I text her, asking if she's free and she replies surprisingly quickly. Telling me to come in.

So I just go to hers.

I knock on the door before entering, just in case. But she calls me in.

"Come on in." She calls. "Why aren't you doing the assembly right now?"

"I lost my voice." I whisper, showing her. I try to speak louder and I can't, it croaks harshly and she shushes me.

"Go rest." Is all she says and I smile, dumping my bag down by her desk and I go and sit down in the corner, like on her couch.

"Were you pulled out of lessons all day for this Lottie?" Mum asks, starting to write something down.

I nod.

"Okay, I need you to start to focus on your academics."

I already am trying but ok.

I close my eyes, ignoring her.

"I just mean that your math grade has gone up and I am so proud of you, but baby your As in English and History are slipping to Bs and if you want to get into that school you need them to stay at As."

I just take a sip of my tea.

I should probably stop going out so much. But I am just trying to get my mind off the Nathan thing.

Like- okay so last night after Nova's I went out with Mason and Ava until quite late and then I met Sutton for food at ten, meaning he dropped me off at like half eleven.

But I went straight to sleep.

I guess I didn't do the history essay yet though, that's due in today.

But I am not going to be in class to hand it in so I assume it doesn't count.

Oh shit, the assembly will have finished by then I think. Plus I am not even doing it anymore.

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