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laptop is on 4% hope this uploads. leave me fun comments to wake up to. lots of love:)

happy reading. 


Lottie's Pov

It was Sunday afternoon, and I was just dozing. I was laid beside Roe and I think he was on his game or something I am too not sure.

Honestly, I am exhausted.

I don't really know how he isn't.

But my body was spent.

We spent pretty much the whole day here. We haven't even eaten food yet; we were talking about it at three ish- that I needed food.

Well it was more he looked down at me and was like f'uck we've been doing this a while, are you good? Which made me laugh and we chilled and talked about what food to get.

Then I guess I fell asleep before we moved.

So I don't know what time it is now but all I know is that I am tired and my eyes are closed but I am also hungry so I'm sort of just dreamily thinking about food.

I stretch my hand out and find Rowan's leg, so I snuggle in, moving closer next to him and he moves one of his pillows the was in my way so I could press myself up against him. I open my eyes to find him sat up against the headboard with a controller in his hands.

I smile a little.

He glances down at me and smiles when he sees that I am awake.

"What you playing?" I ask.

"Nothing really." He dismisses. "Sorry I was bored."

I shrug, move closer and sort of just lean my head against his side and I watch the TV sleepily as he continues to play.

"Hey." He whispers after a little while, in-between one of the games.


He drops the controller in his lap and presses a hand against my head, trying to tilt my face up to him.

I huff and move down, looking up at him.

"Mum will be home soon." He says. "She might come up here."

I was heavily undressed.

I think that's why he was saying that.

Because although he had pulled on some shorts on a little while ago, I was still utterly bare in his bed sheets.

"I'm tired." I complain, closing my eyes because I don't wanna move.

He drags his fingers through my hair and I wince at the fact it hasn't been brushed at all today and it's pretty tangled.

"We should probably shower." He says quietly and I shake my head, lifting it to give him a look.

"I am never showering here again."

"Lottie." Rowan stresses.

I smile sleepily.

He moves and looks closer to my face, his hand lifting to touch the inner corner of my eye.

"Shit it's bruising." He says.

"I told you." I grumble. "Never again."

It hurt ok, I wasn't being dramatic.

He smiles a little and shrugs. "I am still very sorry."

I pull a face. "Stop apologising."

Roe just looks sheepish.

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