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"I am telling you Dad, I don't know." I whine, laughing when he makes an unhappy noise.

"Well, what did you do?"

"Literally just what I said before."

We were driving back from the audition. He has asked me again, how it went.

I have no idea how it went.

It wasn't really like that.

There was a huge group of us, we basically just did workshops and mini performances all day.

Everyone did great.

Like everyone was so good.

The chemistry between everyone was so good as well.

But like, there are thirty spaces and at least fifty people were here today.

So how can I say that it went well when I have no idea how they can judge it?

It was so good. So fucking fun. But I don't know if I stuck out, you know? I mean I did good. I sounded so good when we did the recording workshop. But so did a lot of people.

I don't know.

Things are weird.

Rayne sits forward from the back seat. "Okay but were there judges?"

"It's complicated." I say.

Somehow my dad convinced Rayne to drive up with him.

He didn't want to be alone for seven hours so forced Rayne for company. I told them they didn't need to come and pick me up. They didn't agree.

We left at four. The audition finished at three, it was half eight in the morning till three, like a pretty regular school day.

I was exhausted.

We ate some food in the city and then hit the road seeing as Scarlett was throwing a party and I said I would be there.

It'll be at least eleven by the time I can get there. But I don't really mind. It will be nice to see my friends. And by eleven everyone will be pretty drunk and playing catch up, although slightly dangerous, is pretty fun.

"What do you mean complicated?" Rayne asks.

"Like the judges or I guess interviewers were the workshop leaders, you know? So they were running the workshops, instructing us, but were also taking notes. Watching us."

"So did they give away anything?"

I shake my head. "No they were actually all rather nice. Like not like the typical stuck-up judges you'd expect. Not like Scarlett's audition where she literally just had to dance on a stage in front of four people who had zero emotion. These people cheered and laughed and complimented basically everyone."

"Well how many compliments did you get?" He asks.

I laugh. "Rayne, I don't know."

"You're useless." He sighs, collapsing back to his seat and I smile, shrugging.

"I told you, I have no idea how it went."

"But you don't think it went bad?" My dad prompts.

I shrug. "No one did bad."

"Hmmm." He asks. "Where did you eat lunch?"

"We got an hour rest. So like a big group of us went and got some food from the main cafeteria place, which was free by the way which was cool, and then we walked around the uni a little until it was time to go back."

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