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Lottie's POV.

We were at the woods.

They have a spot.


I am unhappily following two men through the deep dark woods.

This is where they turn bad and murder me. Isn't it?

Honestly. I am afraid.

"Please don't murder me." I whisper. Again. Like I may have said this a few times. "Like I genuinely don't want to die-"

Sutton laughs and grabs my hand, linking our fingers. "You're not going to die." He says reassuringly, squeezing my hand.

I've already apologetically told him already tonight that I am touch starved and that he should stop being so affectionate because it makes me miss physical contact.

"Honestly stop touching me Sutton, I'll accidentally fall in love with you."

He drops my hand, rolls his eyes at me. "Just hook up with someone if you're that touched deprived."

I wiggle my eyebrows at him and he genuinely pushes my shoulder away from him and I fall sidewards, almost crashing into Rowan.

I guess that was a no.

Rowan does not steady me; instead, he just dodges my body and I go stumbling into the knee-length weeds.

"Sutton!" I whine.

He chuckles and helps me step back out, pulling me back to him.

"I thought you were talking to that girl you like?"

"Well I was but you dragged me into the woods so now I have no signal."

Rowan signs something and Sutton laughs at him. "Roe don't say that, she already has suspicions."

Ah hell.

I turn around immediately, going to walk back the way I came, and they laugh, both of them stopping and Sutton catches me and pulls me back to walk in the direction of their little clearing.

"Rowan you don't even need to open your mouth to hurt my head," I say, he just gives me an amused look through the darkness.

"He didn't say anything bad." Sutton says. "He said that it sounds like a plot to horror, no signal, darkness-"

I go to turn around again and Rowan laughs, so does Sutton, which makes my lips tug up a little. He pulls me in the direction again.

"You get signal at the clearing," Sutton tells me and I nod, my heart calming down a little.

"Well my siblings know that I am with yous, so-"

"Stop stressing Lottie."

"I'm trying." I laugh, looking around as we get to this clearing.

It felt as if we were encapsulated in the forest, confined, claustrophobic. But as we entered out into a clearing of much softer grass, a larger field, which was surrounded by the very same trees that left me feeling trapped before, I stopped to admittedly admire it a little.

It was the fresh air that hit me first, it was strange, the boys just walked on, going towards the firepit that was already there. Chairs, blankets, and a sealed trunk was in the centre of the clearing and I just stayed still, deciding to look up towards the night sky.

Sutton was gathering wood; Rowan was sorting out the remnants of their last fire and I just watched the stars as they scattered the open oval of sky.

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