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I am so sorry for the delay. I don't even have a proper reason other than i have been a bit sad and sick lately. I am trying i promise! 

Happy reading loves, i hope you enjoy. 

Lottie's POV.

Three knocks on my bedroom door, followed by Emersyn's quiet voice had me rolling over into my pillows and sighing in frustration.

I know I said I would wallow for a day.

It's sort of been all this week...

And everyone keeps forcing me to get up and out of bed and be sociable and like take my mind off of the fact that Rowan broke up with me but nothing even works anyway.

We've been off school. It's easter. Everyone's supposed to be going to the beach house. I want to curl up and pretend I do not exist.

Which is extra and dramatic and unnecessary.

But I am allowed to be sad that my boyfriend has fucking ceased to care about my existence.

"Lots?" Emersyn says knocking gently again.

I do not reply.

So of course, instead of leaving me be to sleep, she nudges the door open.

It's what, eight in the morning?

"Honey. You getting up?" She asks into the darkened room.

"What time is it?"

"Nine." She says back to me and she flicks the bedroom light on. Shutting the door behind her, she walks over to the window and opens the curtain, pushing the window open a crack to let all the light in.

She turns around and looks at my face now that she was facing me. "Your mum and dad are about to leave."

I lift the cover up closer to my head and she smiled sympathetically at me.

"Are you coming?" She asks.

I shrug.

"Come on, let's go to the beach house and we can lay in the sun or we can bake."

My eyes glance over to the window. "It's cloudy."

Emersyn waves it off. "Nah it won't be for long."

I slowly sit up in my bed, adjusting my shirt so I was all covered. I stare outside in confusion. "Are mum and dad really leaving without me?"

"I mean you did tell them you didn't want to go."

"Yeah but I-" I pull a face. Grumpier than ever. "I didn't think they'd just let me stay here miserable."

Emersyn laughs lightly and comes and joins me on my bed, sitting down at the edge and I move up so she can get in.

She does.

Which makes me smile and I lie back down, cuddling up in my bubble of comfy.

"Everyone's saying about how this isn't you." She says gently. "How 'our' Lottie wouldn't lie in bed day after day because she's sad because of a boy."

I roll my eyes. "I can do what I want."

She laughs and lies down too, ignoring how her hair was all perfectly braided behind her head, how her dress was getting caught up in my blankets. "I guess it's more that when I got my heart broken, it was sort of expected of me."

I turn on my side to look at her. "What?"

"I mean I wasn't always super strong and tough you know, when August and I broke up I was so devastated. It's almost embarrassing looking back how much of a mess I was."

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