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Chapter 15.:) This is alot of family time! This will probably be boring for anyone who hasn't read the other books- but I feel like yous who love the other books will like this chapter. Anyway- things start happening properly next chapter so get ready!:)

Happy reading, it's 02:17AM, so ima sleep because i have so much uni work i need to do tomorrow hehe:P Anyway... leave me comments to wake up to! It makes me so happy. 

"Give me two seconds Lots, I need to make a phone call before we head out." Mum says and I nod, standing up from the couch and then heading out of her school office.

I had been laid out on her couch waiting for her to finish work. Now I realise she's probably going to be another half an hour, making calls home. I walk out and lean my back against the wall and slide down it, waiting.

The school is practically empty by now, it usually is anyway. It's always just the sports people and club people, but it always feels so much quieter and nicer.

I lean my head back and take a minute to breath.

Today was easier than I thought it would be. I thought I would have to see him, but he wasn't at school, so like, it was actually ok.

I hear people coming so I just bring my legs up and move them out of the way.

"Hey you ok?" Solana's voice makes me open my eyes, looking up at her shocked.

She was with a few other people; I just toss them all a smile. She's become friends with the quiet group, they attend parties, but stick together, have fun together.

I nod, smiling softer when my eyes met hers again. "Yeah."

"Are you sure?" She asks, stood next to me, looking down and she looks at her friends. "I'll catch up with you guys." She says.

They walk away and I just lean my head against the wall looking at her.

"Are you waiting to go in?" She asks, pointing to the office door.

I shake my head. "Oh, no. It's my mum's offcie, I was kicked out for a second."

"Oh." She says and we just look at each other, she smiles sheepishly. I return it. It's a little uncomfortable and I internally frown because I don't like when it's awkward with people.

She sighs and sits down next to me, leaning against the same wall as me.

"So... I was looking for someone to hook up with the other night..." She says and my eyes widen. "Like I- I was upset because I broke it off with my girlfriend from back home and you were the only person I was attracted to so I hit on you and-"

"Oh god I forgot about that." I whisper to myself, turning to look at her and realising why it was so uncomfortable.


How funny, I hadn't even thought about it. I wonder if she hooked up with Scarlett's brother. I hadn't heard any rumours about it today and people would have been talking about it. Well I suppose I sort of kept to myself a bit today.

She pauses. Pulls a slightly surprised, snarky face. "You forgot..."

I wince. "No, I um... No. I didn't. Dancing with you was definitely the highlight of that party, I am sorry, there was just some other drama that made me forget momentarily." I ramble out, trying to fix the slight offended crease on her forehead

She smiles then, looking at me amused and I look down because her eyes were intense. "You're cute."

My eyebrows raise, flicking my eyes back up to her brown ones.

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