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Gosh- hi! happy reading. 



"Lottie." Sutton whispers close to me, apologetically. "Hey I'm sorry, do you have any  makeup wipes?"

I sit up a little, my eyebrows furrowed, a big frown on my face as I rub my eyes in fatigue.

"Huh?" I ask into the darkness.

"It's early. I have work. I just need wipes."

I open my eyes and I can see him stood above me, looking down. I slept on my brother's old bean bag that we kept in the living room, it was huge and my dad hated it, my mum on the other hand loved it.

Last night as I did Sutton's makeup and trained him to paint his nails, Rowan had fallen asleep on my bed, so we dragged the beanbag in here and I collapsed onto it with my blanket and Sutton joined Rowan on the bed. We talked for a while, we were planning to do a photoshoot with Sutton's new hair and the eyeliner because he did in fact look really freaking hot.

The pink didn't really take into my hair, which was good because my mum and school wouldn't have been too impressed. It was there, but just faintly, you couldn't really see it unless you were close up.

Anyway, we didn't get round to doing the photoshoot because I think we were both being conscious not to wake Rowan up, he looked exhausted when we first saw him yesterday evening, he needed to sleep. So Sunny and I just talked until I guess we fell asleep.

I pressed on my phone and saw it was twenty to five in the morning, I forgot Sutton has a 5AM hospital shift.

I screw my face up again in pure devastation about being awake right now.

"Lottie?" He asks, his voice soft and amused and I smile a little and nod, crawling off the bean bag and across my bedroom floor to get to my drawers which held makeup remover.

Sutton chuckles and follows me and I just shush him.

I then sit on the floor sleepily looking up at him as he unscrews the bottle and uses the cotton pads to rub around his eye.

If I had the energy I would tell him that he's going to look even more attractive this morning, the dark circles, the stained black waterline. Honestly, Sutton and I should go out one night and I'll show him how attractive people, women, will find him.

"What time do you have to be up for school?" He asks me.

"Not for a while." I whisper back and I kneel up to check to see if Rowan was still asleep.

He was, snuggled up against my pillows.

I smile at the sight of it and look up at Sutton. "He's adorable." I say.

He rolls his eyes at me. "He's not that cute Lottie."

I pout, shrugging. I haven't really thought about it before, but Rowan is pretty adorable. Not like that, but he's sorta cute. Just look at him, his face turned into the fluffy pillow on my bed, his legs so long that my duvet doesn't cover the outstretched one.

I am tired.

I crawl back over to my bean bag and Sutton laughs at me, then comes close to whisper.

"Does the door lock behind me?" He asks. It should do.

I nod, pulling my banket back up to wrap myself up in its comfort.

"Okay, thank you for last night.  I appreciate you too."

I smile sleepily and look at him, it's a little light outside, the morning sky spreading through my window. We never closed the blinds.

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