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im sorry for the late update lol


Lottie's POV...

"I hate her." Blaise mumbles slumped against the side beside me as we watch Scarlett talk to Reagan across the room.

They had clearly just argued about something. Blaise and Scar. They were fine like ten minutes prior to this. All over each other at this party.

I was leaning back against Solana's thighs as she sat on the side. I rested just here. Watching.

I hadn't really drunk.

I was trying to take care of Blaise apparently.

He looks at me. "I could take him."

"They're just talking." I mutter. "Don't go fighting random guys."

He lifts his beer to his lips, his eyes still on her. "Bitch." He mumbles back.

Either to me, or about Scar. I am not sure.

I actually don't have the energy to bite today. Like with Blaise. He just wants a reaction. If he went over there and started on the poor guy who just seemed happily under the spell of chatty Scarlett, he fully would only be doing it to express his frustration and get Scar's attention.

It's sad.

I look at him.

"You wanna leave then?"

Please say yes.

Solana was pretty drunk, just sort of holding me from behind. In front of everyone.

Which made it a little obvious to everyone else here that we were seeing each other. But I like the touch, the affection feels nice so I don't mind too much.


I usually like the affection, the touch. Somethings changed where I am not too sure if I want other people to know. It seems immature, that I once used to enjoy Nathan being clingy at a party because I liked people knowing I was with someone.

It's weird.

I look to Blaise again, because he hadn't answered my quiet plea to leave now.

Blaise looks down at me. Frowns. "No."

I frown more. "I think we should. If you go over to Scar now that poor sod is going to get the brunt of this-" I gesture to his mood. "When you're upset with your girlfriend. Leave. I know Scar, she just wants this reaction."

"If I leave she might go home with him." He mutters and I look across the room to Scar who was sat now almost across the boy.

I shake my head at her. They're so messy man.

"She won't." I say. "She's doing it for a reaction. Don't give her one. Then she should stop playing these silly games."

Blaise looks at me. "Aren't you supposed to be her best friend?" He chuckles. "You sound like you don't even like her."

I love her. I just know her.

Solana sits forward and looks down at Blaise and her words make me smile. "That's how she knows what she is doing. Because they're so close. Blaise break the cycle."

Solana and Blaise get on. Pretty much anyway. We both attack him when he says something wrong.

Her more than me even at the moment.

But they seem to have just accepted that they're spending time together.

"Plus it's late and I am tired." I add, smiling up at Solana and then looking at Blaise hopefully.

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