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hi :) sorry for gap. remember to vote and comment for meee Xx


Rowan's POV.

"Your sister's feet are so fucking small. Like what? She's so tall. Isn't that literally impossible." Lottie mutters as she tries to squeeze her feet into Fran's shoes.

I watch as she gets frustrated and she tosses them away from her, a big ass angry pout on her lips as she looks up at me waiting for her by the front door.

I raise my eyebrows. I don't know what to say to her.

"I now feel like a freak."

"Lottie." I laugh.

"Seriously, I never even had an issue with how big my feet are, but now I know your sister has smaller feet than me and I don't know how I feel." She crosses her hands over her chest. "I feel like a big footed weirdo."

"Lottie your feet aren't big."

"They are."

I don't know how to navigate this.

"Fine, they're big but it's not that weird."

She covers her face with her hands, and she groans.

I think that wasn't the right thing to say.

I rest my back against the front door. Watching her amused.

We just watched tv and ate today. Literally that's all we did. Just existed in each other's presence.

I feel weird.

Like my brain is bad.

But being alone is going to make it so much worse.

She just talks and talks sometimes and it's nice.

Like it fills up the space in my head which spirals when it gets the chance.

"I don't wanna go driving. Please. Please don't make me."

"Lottie." I laugh. "I am not doing this to you."

"You are." She exclaims. "I was comfy in your bed and happy lying in bed all day and you were the one to hit my hip and tell me to get up and I don't wanna get up."

She was sat at the bottom of the stairs. Now glaring up at me.

"Ok so let's go back to bed."

She grins, wiggles her eyebrows and my eyes are already rolling when she smirks. "And do what Roe?"

"Nothing like that."

"Are you sure?"


"Boring bitch."

I scoff, looking at her in slight distress and I feel the heat try to crawl its way up my neck and onto my face. I try and stop it. But the way her smirk turns into a grin again tells me she's seeing it.


"You wanna go and-"

I shake my head. "No you are going to your driving lesson now. Just for that."

"For what?" She exclaims laughing loudly. "I just meant watch TV."

"Yeah of course you did. Come on, you'll just have to go to the car with no shoes."

"But my feet hurt." She whines.

I close my eyes, in slight impatience and when I open them again she is stood and smiling sheepishly.

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