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oops im so sorry, feel like this is the longest ive made you wait for a update... 

do you still love me????

Chapter something idk the number.

Lottie's POV.

"Hey, do you know where Scarlett is?" I ask Blaise, ducking under the bleachers to join him.

He was sat in the far corner, on his own, picking at some crappy take out cafeteria food.

He looks up at me, gives me a look that says go the fuck away and I pause.

"You good?" I ask slightly awkwardly.

His eyes harden and I know whatever he's about to say is going to be some sort of defensive shit.

"You're such a shit friend, you know that right?"

I shrug, walking over and sitting down with him. "You may think so, I don't know if I personally agree."

"Fuck off Lottie."

I smile. "So who am I a bad friend to? You?"

"We're not friends."

I shrug, again, nonchalant. "I feel like we're almost friends."

He glares. "Scarlett is sick."

I frown, I hadn't seen her all day, but I gathered that was just because we were in different classes. "How bad? What's up with her?"

He chuckles. "You didn't even know."

I deadpan. "Blaise, stop this. I haven't talked to her much this weekend, she didn't mention it yesterday."

He just glowers at me.

"How is she?" I ask, harder.

"She's fine. A cold, nothing more."

I roll my eyes at him. "Why the dramatics then?"

"Because I just find it funny you don't know."

"What's wrong then?" I ask. "Why you trying to pick a fight?"

I get my own food out, deciding I am obviously staying here.

It's funny. Never would I have thought I would voluntarily be spending a lunch break with Blaise.

It was sunny today, spring pretty much happily here and bright in our faces. It was still cold, or well, there was a chill in the air that encouraged the use of sweaters and jumpers, but it was so nice to actually have the sun out.

I smiled a little to myself, just at being able to sit outside again.

I look at Blaise who was looking, coldly still, down at his phone.

He had ignored me.

"Hey." I say.

His eyes flick up.

"Tell me." I try to assert.

He looks back down and ignores me, so I sigh and grab my own phone. Replying to messages.

Rowan and I had been texting a little.

It's so- it feels young, I have nothing to say to him, but I just want his attention. It's silly.

I read Solana's message, asking where I was, and I tell her. I wanted to know what she wanted so, easily accepted when she asked if she could come and find us.

I look at Blaise. "Is there anything I can do?"

He shakes his head. Not looking up this time. So I nod and I carry on eating in the shared silence.

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