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Happy reading! Make sure you read chapter 11- before this one kiddos.  Bit of a heavy chapter so warning here.

"This is bad." Douglas says as he watches his house fill up with people. He's Scarlett's older brother and he is just watching slightly distressed as drunken teenagers come and flood into the kitchen with us.

I was sat up on the side greeting people and handing out shots.

"Doug we do this all the time." I try to reassure.

"You do this all the time?" He exclaims in stress.

His father was very particular about who he lets in his house.

They obviously don't know that we do this often.

I nod. 

He makes a stressed noise and I grin a little. "You need a shot. Would you like tequila or vodka?"

Douglas shrugs and I pour him tequila, smirking slightly at his proximity to me. He was stood against my legs, watching me pour.

I couldn't go there, I knew this. Scarlett would be disgusted. We hated Douglas when we were younger. But to be fair, he is pretty fucking hot so I am just enjoying being around someone this good looking.

And I may have accidentally kissed him earlier. 

Accidently... I mean like we just leant down to kiss me and I didn't move away, pressed my lips against his quickly and he had then pulled back, nodding to me as if he had confirmed his curiosity about whether I would let him kiss me. 

I said not to do that again. 

But um... whoops maybe?

He said I looked nice earlier as well. Which I do. But the compliment was fun.

There's a vibe with the soccer guys. Obviously, they're not allowed to hit on me, I am sure Nathan fucking told them so. And as a consequence, they're not really paying me any attention. Which is fine, but these guys are my friends. Or ok, people that make me laugh.

It's annoying. I am just getting drunk. Ignoring the weird fucking vibes from them all.

Scar walks up to us, her eyes on Douglas' hand which was um, placed on the counter just beside my ass. I grin at her.

"Scar." I call, opening my legs and arms and she walks into them, her eyes wide and her pulling my legs shut.

"Lottie, you are a lady. Keep your legs shut missy." She says, smiling at me as I hug her and then she looks at Douglas. "You have a girlfriend. Fuck off away from my newly single friend."

His eyebrow quirks at her and then looks at me. His next words are a lie, we literally had the conversation earlier before he kissed me. "I didn't know you weren't seeing Nath any more Lots."

I lift my eyes and send him a small grin.

He looks at Scarlett. "I broke up with Lauren last week Scarlett."

I wiggle my eyebrows at her, just to wind her up and she groans, pushing Doug away from us. I laugh at that and pull my arms away from her hug, but she still stood between my legs as I pour us a drink.

She takes the shot first and I refill it for me.

"You are not allowed to sleep with my broth-" She starts and I cover her lips.

"Too many people are telling me who I can and who I cannot do. Quite frankly, it's making me wanna do everyone so best advice, keep quiet."

She laughs at me, shaking her head and she turns around, leaning on me which is cute and I wrap my arms around her neck, looking at people too.

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