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hi:) enjoy x leave comments and shit lol


As soon as Scarlett gets in the car, Rowan quietens.

His demeanour changes immediately. His hand pulling away from me, we had just been talking, chatting as we waited for her to come out.

Roe starts the car and I turn back to see her. "Hey."

"Hi." Scarlett says quietly, her eyes on the back of Rowan's head for a second, then back to me. Roe pulls away from my house and I take in the state of her.

She had old makeup on, tears stained in black down her face still, just by her chin mostly, as if she had washed her face but not properly.

Scar was in my clothes and her hair, still curled from yesterday, pulled into a pony tail at the back of her head.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

She nods. Only a little. "He replied, saying he's not been discharged yet."

"What happened Scar?"

She rubs her face, stressing. She shrugs, as if she herself was a little unsure. "When you left, er, Blaise and I continued to row and like I went off with others and he stayed at mine but he was with Daniel and that all night."

I nodded, resting my head on the seat as I listened.

"Then it was late late, a little past three I think. And everyone had basically gone, it was just Blaise, Dan and just a few randoms left, we were all sat round, um I was just smoking. But they were definitely doing other shit."

"What were they doing?"

She shrugs. "Taking some sort of pills, I guess. I wasn't really paying attention until Blaise started scratching at his skin."


Scarlett nods. "Er yeah, he just started to lose it. We hadn't talked all night really. No one was talking to him, we were all just sat around, talking crap and enjoying the high."

"You think he took too much?" I ask quietly.

She shakes her head. "I did, but er... so Blaise started panicking, like full blown loosing it. I was trying to calm him down, but Dan and that were trying to pull me away, like they were trying to figure out what was going on."

I close my eyes.

Because fucking hell Blaise, he's so not ok right now.


I open them and look at her, she was just staring at me. Watching my reaction.

"They pinned him, like to the wall, because he was out of control and he just, just started saying he was going to be sick and we thought it was just him trying to get away but like then he got really ill, I don't even know, it was awful."

"God..." I whisper.

"And then he collapsed, like he wasn't asleep or passed out, he just er, froze."


"I called mum, like Dan and that just left, they just like freaked then, left me with him."

"What the fuck?"

She shakes her head in disbelief too.

"And mum told me to call an ambulance. Like because I thought he was overdosing or something. I don't know."

I nod.

"But when they came, the paramedics said that his vitals seemed ok, that he might just be having a bad high, that he had a panic attack. But they took him anyway, because he was practically unresponsive. They were going to sober him up."

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