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Lottie's POV.

We were led into a huge ass dining room. Mumma Carter did well in the divorce apparently, jeez.

It was expensive looking in here. There were two tables, one that looked like it fit the room, dark oak, laid to perfection with runners and candles and picky bits to eat.

There was another table which had been joined to the end of the dark one, a lighter shade of oak, the pattern of wine and bread and olives carried on through the two tables.

The lighter coloured one was apparent the kid's table. Which is funny seeing as I am the youngest one here being seventeen.

My birthday is soon, ok.

Alright it's still a while. I feel so young. Everyone is turning eighteen and I am just sat here waiting like a lemon. A lemon, or a child. I am a child.

I pull a face to myself. Anyway...

The room was white walled with dark toned paintings covering the walls, plants plenty and filling the open spaces, which made me smile. November, my mum and Rowan's mum were walking around the room talking about the paintings and Rowan's mum's partner, Alex was pulling out chairs for the other adults.

Us, the children, headed to the other end of the table. I sat near the top end of the other table though, where my mum had set her glass down so we could sit close and Sutton takes a seat down besides me.

It was a pretty simple bunch of people. My mum, Nova and me. Sutton and his parents. Fran, Roe and his mum and Alex. India and her mum and her mother's boyfriend and then there was this Evan kid and his two mother's. Which made me happy, just seeing them.

Plus, Evan seemed alright enough.

They sat and got comfy, Rowan's mum and her partner sitting down opposite my mum and Nova so they could be centre of the table and talk to everyone apparently.

I was just comfortably sat in-between my mum and Sutton. Rowan opposite me and in-between his mother and India, Fran on the other side of India and Evan was on the other side of Sutton.

If you get me.

If not-

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Everyone was sitting down other than Alex and Monica now, Rowan's mum and her boyfriend, they had stood back up and were pouring more wine for everyone

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Everyone was sitting down other than Alex and Monica now, Rowan's mum and her boyfriend, they had stood back up and were pouring more wine for everyone.

My mum covered her glass but pointed them to fill up mine again and I just smiled at her.

"Thank you." I said to Alex, he smiled down at me and then skipped over Sutton's glass too and instead filled Evan's glass.

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