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updates two chapters today so make sure you read the previous on. 

Happy reading!

Chapter 36

Rowan's POV.

It feels like I've literally just blinked when Lottie curses beside me, my eyes opening and wincing at the brightness of the room.

I hadn't shut the blinds. I close my eyes in refusal to believe it was morning again and I roll over so my back was to her.

"I need to pee." She whispers to me.

"Go pee." I mumble tiredly.

"But your mum has been up and down the stairs like fifty times, what if she sees me?"

I shrug, closing my eyes again.

"I am really sorry for falling asleep." She says. "I can be super clingy and needy when I am drunk."


I just want to sleep.

She laughs quietly. Groaning as she sits up and moves the bed a little. I frown to myself at the movement.

"I need water. I am dying."

I sigh, rolling over to see her and she laughs at my face looking down at me.

"Hi." Lottie says.

I give her a look that says leave me alone.

She smiles down at me with misplaced affection and lifts her hand to clear what I assume is messy hair away from my face.

I frown more at the hands.

"Alright grumpy, I really need to pee and rehydrate."

"This is not my fault."

"Rowan." She complains, laughing a little down at me. I sigh, turning my head into my pillow and complaining that I am tired.

I turn my face to breathe. "What time is it?"


I huff.


"It's early." I complain.

"My bladder doesn't listen to a clock."

"Go pee then." I groan. "You are annoying."

"No you're just a bad waker upper." She says, her voice babying me.



No she's not Rowan, the fuck?

Well I mean she is. But we don't think that.

My brain is vulnerable to her right now.

No. She's annoying.

"What if I get seen?"

I shrug. Opening my eyes properly. "Say hello."

"Rowan." She whispers distressed. "I-"

She sighs. "Oh whatever."

Lottie gets out of bed, picking up her empty water bottle from last night and heading to the bathroom to pee and I guess get some water.

I again, close my eyes. I was not ready to wake up yet.

I should have checked the locks last night.

But every one is ok, Lottie said she heard my mum.

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