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HI! happy reading. Sorry for the delay! Rememeber to vote and comment. It means the world. 

Also this chapter is dedicated to @ryeashworth because her tiktok account which is called @ iminlovewithmgg has great posts about the books and about wattpad and stuff in general. Plus her recent post got me new readers and ofc i am so grateful <3


Lottie's POV.

"What do I wear tomorrow?" I ask before I get out the car. "And my mum did call your mum right? I mean I heard her, but-"

"Lottie I haven't been home, I gather..."

I nod, right, right. "Okay but again, what do I wear? Like what's your mum wearing? Your sister?"

Rowan turns back to look at me, so does Sutton, they both seem bored with my questions.

I roll my eyes. "Don't be assholes, I don't wanna turn up under dressed because it's disrespectful and I don't want to turn up overdressed because you guys will take the piss out of me."

"We would." Sutton agrees, nodding and looking back at Rowan. Rowan looks at Sutton and nods, them both agreeing.

I lean forward and click my fingers in front of their faces. Admittedly rudely but they were not helping.

"Attention, please."

"Lottie it doesn't matter, I don't know what my mum will wear."

"Well what does she normally wear to these things?"

"You're overthinking it."

"I wanna look nice." I frown.

Sutton raises an eyebrow at me, a small smirk coming onto his face and his head cocks. "Why aye?'

"Why what?"

"Why does it matter?"

I glare. "I already said- you know what, I will just wear one of my cute outfits I wear to see my great nanna and if it's the wrong choice and you make fun of me I will just set your hair on fire."

Both boys snigger at me.

I glare.

It's late. I am tired.

"What why-" Rowan says, shaking his head. They exchange another amused look, at my expense.

I cross my arms. "And you Sutton have so many chemicals in your hair right now your whole head will go up and you will die."

"Lottie." Sutton laughs, appalled. Rowan just rests his chin on the seat, looking back into the car at me.

"It doesn't matter what you wear, but people usually dress up a little for it, just nothing major. Dinner party vibes, you know?"

I shake my head because I don't know. My parents don't have dinner parties, well ok, we go to friends to eat food but not- I don't know.

I just grab my blanket and my half-eaten box of pizza and start to move over so I could get out the car.

We got icecream. Then Sutton wanted savoury food so we got Pizza. They had already ordered in tonight, which was funny. But food is good, this pizza is so good. And it was at like 1AM when we got it, so it was needed.

"I will see you tomorrow then." I say to them both. "Rowan remember that Kian needs a hand with set tomorrow, I saw you put your name down, so-"

"Yes Lottie, I have it."

"Good, it's just because he likes to control everything and like I relate to that but he puts so much pressure on himself with the art and design crew that it ends up being a big shamble and so he needs help-"

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