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Part two. Sorry for the crap first chap.

Izuku stared up at the building in front of him, tugging his hood lower on his face. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a young kids gaze follow him as their mother dragged them away. He offered them a small smile, enjoying the way their eyes lit up, before ducking behind a tree. The less people that saw him, the better.

In the past few months, Izuku learned that just surfing the web didn't get him all the information he needed to expose faulty heroes, especially with heroes like the one he was currently digging dirt up on. Some heroes agencies had the best technicians he'd ever seen, covering every digital footprint. Some had even tried to delete his articles.

A few months back he'd taken up a hacking course, not only to get past firewalls and access records and files but also to keep others from taking down his works, like what had happened to his first article on Shudder after a few days.

He'd learned more the longer he did this 'job'. It was a challenge but Izuku was more than willing. He didn't think he'd like brain challenges as much as he found himself enjoying lately. Then again, he also thought he'd be a daylight hero, not a random kid behind a computer screen exposing the wrongs of society.

Sometimes he wondered if he should stop, if he was actually doing any good or just making things worse. Then he'd see a fake hero he'd written an article on get their licence suspended making the world safer and he'd remember it'd all be worth it if it helped people.

Countless times he tried to convince himself he wasn't doing anything illegal. It never worked. He couldn't ignore that recently he'd been doing a lot of spying, breaking and entering, and hacking; all of which are illegal. At least most people just called him a vigilante of sorts, not a villain.

People called him a lot of things lately. His articles have done more than he ever thought, so publicly known yet still surprising when he see's them on the headlines. It was weird watching people debate about whether what he was doing was right or wrong. Some people called him a villain, a disgrace for making a ruin and humiliation of heroes. Others said they were thankful for the downfall of 32 faulty heroes.

It was only a month ago that he'd decided to spy on heroes he suspected to have wrong doings. He's not proud of it but if that was how he got information, he'd do it every time with no regrets.

That's why he was here today, standing outside the grand house that belonged to none other than the Todoroki family. Enji Todoroki, Endeavor, has been on his list of heroes for a while. When he was younger Kacchan had been fascinated by him. That was until they were seven and something happened that changed his friends mind. Izuku had always been curious what it was that persuaded him, and he thinks now he'll get to find out.

Besides Kacchan's suspicious change of heart, Endeavor has been known to cause some of the most severe collateral damage. He has some of the highest fatality rates in the country but that alone wasn't enough information for Izuku. He already knows how people will defend the number two hero. He picks the most dangerous villains and has a powerful quirk, the damage done is just a factor that comes with. He could probably try and argue that All Might does the same and still has near zero percent in civilian harm on the charts but people would say that's because he's the All Might. And well... Izuku couldn't argue with that.

Still, he's sure there's something else to Endeavor. something deeper that everyone is missing. He just has to find it.

And maybe that includes braking into his estate and snooping around. Or maybe it doesn't and he's standing outside said estate on a pure coincidence, admiring the windows for no reason at all, not trying to find the easiest one to slip through.

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