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Almost immediately Izuku found himself pressed between the many students trying to fit through the door all at once. He felt like he was being squished into a flat sheet of cardboard as everyone shoved each other around. Groaning, he tried to avoid his head being slammed into the person in front of them. 

Somewhere behind him he heard a student complain about why they wouldn't make the entrance wider. It hit him then. They're testing them. This is first obstacle. They want to see how each of them are going to make it through.

Looking around at the crowd, he could already see people trying to use their quirks to escape the mass of people. Near the front, he made out Shinsou getting hoisted up by several students. He resisted the urge to let out an amused snort. Show off. 

Speaking of show offs, a blast of ice stretched across the entrance and onto the first bit of the track. Izuku's eyes widened and he jumped just in time for the ice to slip under his feet. Around him, people gasped at the sudden attack, feet frozen in place. He quickly moved past them. With everyone frozen in place, no ones pushing and shoving him and slipping past them is easy enough. 

He could faintly hear Shouto calling back in his blank voice, "Apologies," and shook his head. He knows he's not sorry at all. It was a good plan, he'll give him that. This is going to be fun going up against him. 

Up front a girl-- Yaoyorozu he remembers her name being-- launched forward on a pole she must have materialized, sort of like how he does with his baton. Next to her in the air was the redhead from 1-A, a boy with lasers, and a blonde with very familiar explosions. She shouted, "Nice trick, Todoroki!"

"I won't let you get away that easily you Icy-hot bastard!" Kacchan screamed and Izuku winced. Icy-hot bastard? Such a lovely nickname. He hopes Shouto isn't too offended by Kacchan's. . .  well, Kacchan's everything. 

Izuku had made it through the crowd, now upfront with what he realized was most of 1-A and 1-B besides a few general studies and support students. The only problem with being out of the crowd now was he didn't have anyone to push off of and was struggling to make his way across the ice. Great. 

He carried on, slipping across the surface of the ice. Shinsou was close to him now, calmly resting upon the shoulders of other students. He glanced down at Izuku and smirked. "Struggling?"

If he was Kacchan he would have cursed at him, but instead he simply settled for an unimpressed look, mumbling, "You could help me instead of mocking me."

"Maybe I will." He gestured to one of the people supporting him in the air. "Grab on to a minion. Use them as balance."

He grinned and did so. Part of him wondered why Shinsou would help him before he remembered he needed him as an analyst. Shinsou knows how valuable he is. Or maybe it's because they're friends but he doubts it, considering Shinsou still won't admit they're anything but acquaintances. 

At last, they reached where the ice ended and just as he was about to take off in a run after Shouto, who was only a hundred meters or so ahead, a metal fist whacked the boy in second to lead. Izuku gasped and he halted along with Shinsou and his 'minions'. 

"What the. . .?" He stared up at the massive robotic figures that appeared out of nowhere. Large masses of metal twisted into complex pieces towered over all the students. It took only moment for Izuku to realize they were the next obstacle. He stumbled back a step, surprised. 

"Those are the zero-point robots from the entrance exam," Shinsou stated, seeming almost amused. "Damn. Where do they get the funding for this stuff?"

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