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"I'm Stain," he said with an outstretched hand. "I've been looking forward to meeting you, Izuku Midoriya." 

He took a step back, eyeing the hand warily. Those calloused palms look more inviting than he knows them to be. His gaze flicked back up to meet Stains red eyes. There was no doubt it was Stain. Though there's never been a clear photo of him, the red scarf and beige bandanna were more than enough to see how this was the anti-hero. A flicker of fear settled in his stomach. 

"I know who you are," he said cautiously. 

He stepped towards Izuku, tongue flicking out of the corner of his mouth. "Good. You know why I'm here then."

Shaking his head, he glanced around the street again. He can't run. He's not stupid enough to think he's faster than the killer before him. Since his training with Dabi, he's gotten faster sure but not that fast. There's a reason Stain's never been caught. Calling for help is out the question too. Even if there was someone around to hear him, maybe inside one of the surrounding buildings, they wouldn't be able to get to him on time; not before the blades strapped o Stains back slit his throat. 

His eyes slid over Stain's appearance. No. He would not be able to get help. No running and no calling for help so that leaves fighting his way out. He doubts he'd make it very far with that. His baton's in his back pack but he's not willing to bet his life on getting it out in time to defend himself with. His only option is to listen to what he has to say. 

"I don't know what you want with me," Izuku said, feigning confidence even though he could feel his hands shaking at his sides. 

Stain cocked his head. "You don't know? You can't even guess?"

Oh, he can guess. He can guess that he's here to kill him, as Stain does with most people he interacts with. Why exactly? He's uncertain. His confusion must have been clear on his face for Stain sighed and reached out, grabbing his wrist. He pulled him deeper into the alley and Izuku didn't bother putting up a fight, knowing it wouldn't end in his favor. 

The anti-hero met his gaze, red eyes darkening. "What do you know about heroes, Izuku Midoriya?"

More than most, would be the honest answer. Heroes are more than what people think. That's not the answer he shares with people though. Instead, he said, "I know they are here to protect us."

"And do they?"

Where is he going with this? What does he want Izuku to say? Why him of all the people who'd pass by this street tonight, why talk to him? He stared at Stain in both horror and confusion. He'd put thought into this, clearly. He knows his name, knows what way he walks back from the agency. It's not chance, but it still doesn't make sense. Izuku is nothing special to the public eye, besides his intern ship. 

Does Stain want him to give information about Endeavor? Is that why he stopped him? He must have learned he's Endeavor's new media security and intern so perhaps he wants to get him to spill something about the flame hero. He wouldn't be surprised that Stain's going after Endeavor. His whole thing is killing heroes, why not kill the number two? 

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "What do you want from me?"

"You didn't answer my question. Do you think heroes protect us?"

He could argue but there would be no point. "I do."

The next thing he knew, Stain was holding him against the wall, blade press against his throat. A distinct feeling of fear lurched in his stomach and he felt his heart rate double in speed, breath catching. It would be impossible to hide the shaking in his legs now with the hero killer so close, his eyes inflicting such fear. As he was forced to stare into Stains cold red eyes, he felt bad for every hero that died with this being the last thing they ever saw. The realization that it might be the last thing he ever sees hit him like a truck. 

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