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Izuku thought flying through the air with All Might once in his life was all he was going to get and yet here he is, arriving at USJ after nearly falling to his death in the sky for a second time. Why did he think this was a good plan again? 

All Might landed on one of the beam holding up the windows that make up the exterior of the USJ. He helped Izuku climb of his back and set him down on the beam. He coughed into his palm and Izuku resisted the urge to put out a hand to help keep him up right. This isn't good. Just taking a glance through the window he can tell Dabi wasn't exaggerating when he said there were hundreds of villains gathered for this. All Might can't take down that many, not in this state. As much as he looks up to the man, he knows he's still human and no one can take on that many people. 

With another cough, All Might shifted into his skeletal-like form in a puff of smoke. He leaned against the glass, wheezing. He waved the hand Izuku reached out with away. "I'm... fine," he protested though the shake in his voice and labored breathing gave him away. "Just thought I'd... stay in this form when I'm not fighting."

He doubted that was the real reason but nodded along for All Might's sake. He looked back to the USJ, staring through the glass. His gaze was immediately drawn to the central plaza which was crowded with villains, at least half of them knocked to the ground. Where most of the villain were gathered was a man dressed in all black wielding a scarf looking material as a weapon. From this far away he could make out much of the man's features but could see the blood dripping from his elbow. He seemed familiar though. He'd seen those cloths and- oh. It's that man from his first day at Endeavors agency, Aizawa he thinks his name was. He's not surprised he's here. 

Standing over top of him was a man with blue shaggy hair and weird hands attached to him. There was one covering his face and several on his arms and legs. He looked to be holding onto the man in blacks elbow, fractures slowly spreading across it. Is he... disintegrating it? He winced and shifted his eyes to look around the rest of the area. 

There were various students scattered across the grounds. He squinted as he noticed a whirl pool being made in the water region by a girl slamming her massive fist into the water. Impressive. At the entrance to the USJ stood a cluster of students and... is that Thirteen? Hovering in front of them, blocking the exit, was a purple haze (someones quirk?). He could see the details of both Uraraka and Iida's costumes there. If they are there then where are the others, Shouto and Kacchan? 

The sound of an explosion drew his attention to the building ruble in the far section of the USJ. Well, that answers his question. 

"I need to get a better view," he mumbled to himself. All Might looked at him funny and he realized he'd said that out loud. Ignoring his embarrassment, he continued. "If I can see where all the students are, I can help guide you too them so you can get them to safety first. Aizawa-san, even if he's injured, looks to be holding up for now."

As he said it, the hand guy threw Aizawa off to the side. Aizawa struggled to at least his knees, sending out his scarf to attack several of the villains that lunged at him. He can hold for a little longer. The students are first priority. They're just kids. Kids like me. . . 

He pointed to the entrance. "Thirteen has that area covered and that one of the few places I can see. I need a way to see more so I can better say where you're needed most. Can you get me up to the roof and I can look down through the glass?"

All Might shook his head. "I can but there's a better, safer place for you."

Still trying to keep me out of harm? Izuku can't blame him. It's his job as a hero. He wouldn't be the number one if he didn't worry about people. It's still a little frustrating. He wants to help and he can. 

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