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Dabi had been told he can get irrationally angry. His sister told him, his mother told him, other villains said so, even random strangers have called him out on it. Currently, that irrational anger is directed towards Izuku. In his opinion, the anger was perfectly reasonable. When he'd woken up in the morning to texts from Izuku explaining that he'd gone to the commission, he'd been ready to march to the commission that second and drag Izuku home by his ears. He'd restrained, only because the text had been sent from hours earlier. 

He'd crawled out of bed, throwing on his jacket and checking the clock to see if he had time to walk Izuku to school. He had halted that thought right there. He's not some sappy bastard who walks there brother to school, even if the reason is so he can chew him out for breaking into the commission. Instead, he opted for texting him. 

I'm murdering u
U better b alive


A sigh of relief left his lips, not that he'll ever admit it. He quickly sent a middle finger emoji before shutting off his phone and sliding it into his pocket. More relieved, he exited the small room, dragging his bean bag behind him. Upon opening the door he froze. 

Laying on his table was a man with a very familiar set of wings. Dabi stared in shock as he took in Hawks practically monopolizing his table. The hero had his arms and legs spread across it, feet shifting from side to side. He could make out the faint humming from him, the same tune from the day before and he felt drawn to it again, despite the oddity. The morning sun was peeking through the tarp curtains of his flat and he didn't mind the way the light drew attention to the dust in the air or the fiery red of Hawks wings. 

He stepped towards the man, looking down at him and finding golden eyes lock with his own. A faint smile, barely noticeable but still there, ticked up the corners of Hawks' lips. "Hello vigilante."

It felt like a wall coming down as his expression quickly morphed into a scowl. "What the fuck are you doing in my flat again."

"I never left," Hawks supplied. 

Of course he stayed over night. Why isn't he surprised? He sighed and pushed Hawks off the table, a yelp leaving his lips as he fell to the ground. He pushed himself up into a sitting position and glared at Dabi, sticking out his tongue. 

Dabi ignored him and sat down on the edge of the table, picking up a feather that Hawks left on its surface and twirling it in his fingers. "So you saw Izuku leave?" 

"About that. . ." Hawks rubbed at the back of his neck. He looked up at him sheepishly. "I may or may not have given him the idea he could find more about the commission's hero training program if he could retrieve a few files and then he might have broken into the commission building."

He should have expected this really. Both Izuku and Hawks are the biggest pains in his ass so of course they would get each other into trouble. Dabi rubbed his temples and internally groaned. Now Izuku's gone and broken into the commission building and he has to deal with the great annoyance in front of him. 

"Get up," he demanded, turning the feather to ash.

Hawks gave him a quizzical look. "Huh?" 

"I said, get up," he repeated as he pushed the table towards the wall so there was enough space to tumble around at the center of the room. He stepped towards Hawks after he stood to his feet and stripped off his jacket. "Fight. No quirks."

To pair with his irrational anger, Dabi has always been better at sorting things out with his fists rather than having an actual conversation about it. He takes the saying, actions speak louder than words, to heart. Should he probably have a conversation with Hawks about not getting his brother into shit and how he's upset he was a spy? Yes but the idea of instead pummeling the hero into the ground sounds more appealing at the moment. Besides, he's been itching for a good fight since joining Revite and Hawks being number three hero should prove to be a half decent opponent. 

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