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Izuku would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Who wouldn't be? His job is on the line and therefore his entire fucking plan which happens to be what will keep society from falling apart. He ran a hand through his hair and wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. Sutorimu reached across the cars consul and whacked his hands. 

"Don't," she said. "Endeavor won't be impressed by sweat stains." 

He nodded his head, not able to squeeze words out of his dry mouth. He finally understood why they're called butterflies, his stomach felt like it was full of the fluttering creatures. Convincing himself to be calm earlier when he was waiting for his mentor to pick him up hadn't been as successful as he'd planned. He'd calmed down for a bit and then his mother had reminded him what an amazing opportunity this was and how important it is he makes a good impression. He loves his mom, he really does, but it wasn't helpful in any way shape or form. Now he's panicking in Sutorimu's car as they pull up to the Todoroki manor. 

Sutorimu pulled the car up to the curb, parking it. Her eyes settled on him, eyebrows arched into her usual frown. He cringed knowing the conversation that was about to follow. She crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat. "Nervous?"

"You could say that," he muttered. "It's not like my boss already hates me or anything so a mess up would be ten times worse. No. Definitely not."

"For starters, I'm your boss, not him. If he tries to fire you, he'll go through me. I can speak on Sana's behalf when I say they'll make sure you stay at this agency," she said. "Secondly, you're going to do fine. You not half as dumb as some of the people that are going to be here."

He nodded his head, biting the insides of his cheeks. "Yeah. It's going to be fine."

"It will. Now ground rules." She held up a finger. "Rule number one, don't approach Endeavor. If he wants to talk to you, he will. Unless I tell you to, don't approach anyone. Most of these people aren't going to like you. Stay by my side until I give you the clear to do otherwise. Rule two, if you start a conversation, ask about the persons job. The prestigious people who are here will gladly tell you about their job whether it's hero work or something else. If they happen to direct the conversation towards you, talk about your plans for being an analyst, got it? Or gloat about Endeavor and how interesting it is working under him. Either works. And final rule, don't break anything. That'll surely get you fired. Okay?"

For a few seconds he just sat there letting his brain catch up before nodding. He could work with that. Acting out his plan would be a little difficult if he had to be by her side all night but he can't always have things his way. This opportunity on its own is a good enough advantage. 

He unbuckled and opened his door, grinning at Sutorimu. "Let's go ace a party."


It's not an exaggeration when Izuku says the place was packed. The Todoroki household is by no means small but with the entirety of the Endeavor agency squeezed into only a few rooms, it seemed barely bigger than a classroom. It was tough for Sutorimu to push her way through the many clusters of adults chatting away, never mind how difficult it was for him who was near two thirds her size. Sticking close to the tall woman was proving to be a good decision. 

He kept a hand stuffed in his pocket, fiddling with the small little device he had in it. Paranoia of it falling out and him loosing it gripped at his chest. It would suck to loose something so important to his plan. 

Sutorimu glanced at him as if checking she hadn't lost him yet before coming to a stop at the side of the living room. Izuku took a moment to marvel at the set up of the party. It seemed more like a fundraiser, much like what Akito had explained to him. It made more sense why his two supervisors had insisted on him dressing nice. Even in the suit he felt under dressed compared to all the fancy clothed people around him. Most were adjourned in jewelry and make up to match extravagant outfits. Even Sutorimu's black one sleeve dress seemed out of place in contrast to all the many colours in the room. 

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