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He was wrong. In actuality, the internship turned out to go ten times worse than he thought it would. It was perfectly fine until late evening when Endeavor had gotten the call. Heck, he'd even be willing to say it went really well until then. 

Right away in the morning, Endeavor had dragged the three of them--Sutorimu, Shouto and Izuku-- to his agency. Izuku and Sutorimu split off from them momentarily to get the analyst drones before returning and finding them in full hero gear. Izuku had assumed it would be a typical patrol up until they were outside. He'd memorized every patrol route Endeavor takes and the road they chose to go down wasn't apart of any of them. 

"Where are we going?" he'd whispered to Sutorimu while they walked slightly behind the heroes. 

"Nowhere in particular." Her eyes were flicking across all the pedestrians faces they passed, her large eye almost glowing at some points. "You've heard of Stain, yes?" 

A sense of dread building up inside of him, he'd nodded. He'd more than heard of him. He was threatened by him. No part of him wanted to see him again any time soon.

"Endeavor despises him, like most do," Sutorimu explains. "There's been a rumor going around that he's still in Hosu after the attack he made on Ingenium. Endeavor wants to find him, and beat him." 

It'd been then that Izuku realized the day was not going to end well. Of course, him of all people had to end up on the one intern trip where Endeavor would go after Stain. The same Stain who tried to recruit him just over a week ago and threatened him. Stain who stalked him for weeks and knows he's Revite. 

Despite the underlying fear that stuck with him, the majority of the day went well. Through out it, Endeavor tried to show Shouto how to use his fire. Shouto, as far as Izuku could tell, was hesitant in doing so. He'd light a flame in the palm of his hands with ease but when Endeavor tried to get him to direct it anywhere, he almost always paused before shooting the flames in the direction he was asked. 

It was clear he was good at controlling his fire, but he wasn't skilled with it. It was no wonder why he'd want to intern with his father. Learning from the pro would do him good. It doesn't stop Izuku from feeling bad for him when Endeavor occasionally speaks too sharply or commands Shouto. 

There's a time when Endeavor shoves Shouto in Izuku's direction while he goes to talk to some informant about Stain, telling him to use his analyst skills to come up with a solution to make his son do better. Izuku tries his best. He points out the comparisons he's made between Endeavor stance and Shouto's, shows Shouto how to fix anything he's doing wrong (which admittedly isn't much), and pops out a few theories for how his fire could be stronger. 

Sutorimu steps in once of twice to correct something Izuku says or to add an observation of her own. When Endeavor returns, claiming he has a lead, Shouto returns to his fathers side up front while the analysts stick to the back. Izuku asks Sutorimu what Shouto's weakness and strength are. She'd remained silent for a while, so long he feared she hadn't heard him, before telling him his strength was his passion and his weakness was his reluctance. Izuku had asked for her to specify what kind of reluctance, how the passion helped, but she'd only shaken her head and told him to pick his questions better. 

It wasn't all centered around Shouto, though. There was a lot of running around back and forth across the city. Endeavor spoke to several people he promised were loyal informants, all of which gave what details they could about Stain's appearance in Hosu. Endeavor kept saying they were close, that he'd catch the hero killer. Izuku's worry grew more, even if it was clear Endeavor wasn't going to find stain that day. 

The most interesting part of the day was watching Endeavor brush past civilians asking for help in favor of his hunt for Stain. There'd been one woman who was standing at the corner of a street, calling for a hero to help her find her son and another man who'd been robbed in front of their very eyes. Each time, Endeavor would turn of his flames and sink into the crowd, becoming alike with the dozens of other people moving through the streets. 

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