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[A/N: Yes, I know Hawks doesn't help Endeavor till a ways into the series. I don't care. This is fan fic and Hawks is important to the plot. The next chapter explains his appearance a bit more.]

Honestly, Izuku had no clue what he was doing. Half his plans were made up on the spot and he had a feeling it was going to continue that way for the rest of his life. Even now, as he followed Sutorimu down the streets of Musutafu, he had no clue what he was doing. She'd told him where they were going and he'd texted Dabi, who's number he may have snatched from an online platform, but besides that he was clueless. He'd think they'd let the interns know a bit more about what was going on so they'd at least have some time to prepare. Then again, this is Endeavors agency, he shouldn't expect too much.

Yesterday was a spur of the moment thing. He hadn't planned to show up at Dabi's place and force him to help spy on one of his bosses children but it had just happened. He hopes Dabi holds up his own and visits that cafe regularly. The point is to get close enough to Natsuo so when they 'accidentally' encounter each other outside of his barista job then at least there won't be much suspicion. Remember, he doesn't pride himself on being a genius and all of his plans can't work out.

He picked up his pace so he wouldn't fall behind Sutorimu. Gods, she's fast. He caught up to her, breath a little heavier than normal. "Sutorimu-san, I was-"

"I told you to drop the formalities," she said, keeping her eyes focused ahead of her.

"Right," he muttered under his breath. "I was wondering what exactly am I supposed to be doing once we get there?"

She glanced at him. "You will watch Endeavor do his patrol."

"Right, right. Yeah uh, but what do you mean by that?"

Halting in the middle of the sidewalk, she turned to face him with a blank expression. Her eyes flicked from his red shoes to his messy hair. "You'll watch the fight and write down what you think Endeavor could have improved on. What the side kicks could have done. Think up any ideas for support. Essentially your goal is to make a positive contribution, got it?"

"Uh, yeah. I think." He rubbed his neck. "So are we just watching from a building or...?"

"No more questions."


Yeah no. This was not helping his nerves. He was actually interning for a hero. He's wanted this his whole life! Sure, it's for a scumbag of a hero and maybe it's as an analyst instead of a hero in training but it was still pretty amazing. It was a big responsibility and knowing him he'd probably fuck up at one point or another.

They continued down the streets for a little while longer before they reached a tall building. Standing outside it was Endeavor with his arms crossed and a few sidekicks chatting away with him. One particular sidekick with hair made of wire was speaking directly to the number one hero, a smirk on his lips. As Sutorimu and himself got closer he noticed that wasn't a side kick, it was a hero. The metal hero: Alloy.

Izuku had heard of him before. He sat quite far up in the ranks, number 53 he believes. He didn't pay much attention to heroes like him before he got in the job of outing licensed villains. Alloy had a tendency to wreck buildings. He's quite like Endeavor that way. All damage and big fights, minimal saving. Sometimes Izuku wonders why the public even lets heroes like them get so far in the ranks. No matter, he wasn't on his watch list, he's just not his favorite of heroes.

It dawned on him that if Alloy's here then he must be dong patrols with Endeavor. Now that he thinks of it, they are a great match. Besides their similar way of going about hero work, their quirks are perfect for each other. Metal, while quite resistant to fire, can also be melted and reshaped. Molten metal can take anywhere from 1-6 minutes to cool and solidify making an effective trap. Metal and fire, as odd as a combo as it is, is insanely cool. Tantalum carbide, which can withstand 4000 degrees (much hotter than Endeavors flames), is found in all sorts of cooking materials and not very hard to find so Alloy could control it with his metal movement quirk and still aid Endeavor. It'd be cool if Endeavor and Alloy melted down metals into liquids which they could use to burn villains while also encasing them. And-

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