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[A/N: Please, tell me if you think the plots moving to slow or the chapters are too short.]

Izuku was determined if he was anything. Why else would he still be trying to be a hero even after everyone in his life has told him it is impossible? Maybe getting his notebook back was impossible but you can bet he was going to try. It'd be easy. He just has to find a nameless person who's face he never fully got a good look at in a sea of billions of people.

Okay, there were some challenges but nothing he couldn't overcome, right?

Izuku sighed and leaned back in his chair. There really was no use was there? Even if he could find Scar face, it's not like he'd give him his notebook back. Besides, the man wanted to kill him and well, Izuku didn't want to die. It was a good thing it was a fresh notebook, not a lot of info in it yet and besides, he's memorized it all anyways.

His mind wandered to the half finished notes he'd been writing before Scar face had scared him. This was going to be the hardest part of the job. Getting close to Endeavor wouldn't be easy. Getting a job as a borderline fifteen year old in Endeavors agency would be even harder. Never mind the fact it has to be a high enough position to be relevantly close to the hero.

Don't forget you're quirkless too, a small part of him taunted. Oh, yeah. That too.

He banged his head into his desk. What had he gotten himself into? Maybe he should listen to Scar face and leave the Todoroki family alone. If he did, his chances of dying would be less for sure. But... if he did that would mean he'd be leaving the Todoroki's to have to live with the abuse their father gave them and he doesn't think he could live with himself it that happened.

It was times like these he really wished he had a better sense of self-preservation, then he wouldn't be going after the number two hero with the risk of some creepy guy murdering him. At least he can say his life is somewhat interesting, even if it's more dangerous than not.

With a sigh, he brought his hands to his keyboard and started searching up any available positions at Endeavors agency. Technician, no not close enough. Janitor, definitely not. Costume design would get him close to Endeavor but he can't sew for shit. Coffee runner... that might work. He'd be close to him and by looking at the job description, he'd be around him nearly all the time. Thinking about it, Izuku made a pretty good tea and coffee can't be much different. It'd work.

Just as he was about to click the link for where to apply for the position he heard his mom call from the hallway. "Izuku? It's dinner."

He heard a knock on his door before his mom walked into the room. He resisted the urge to remind her that knocking and not get an answer doesn't mean come in. It was a good thing he wasn't doing anything to closely related to Revite at the moment.

"What are you working on, honey," Inko asked as she neared his desk, her gaze sliding across the computer screen. "Oh! Job applications! What are you applying for?"

Izuku smiled and pointed to the screen. "Coffee boy for Endeavor. Figured it would help to get some experience in. Working for the number two hero would look really good on my resume."

His mother hummed and rested a hand on his shoulder as she inspected the screen closer. "That's a shame," she says before her eyes widened and she started waving her hands around frantically. "I mean, not that it's a shame that you want to do this or anything! I fully support you! It's just... I thought the annalist position might be better for you."

The annalist position...? There was no- oh. When he'd looked to the screen, sure enough, just under the coffee boy applications was a section for analysis. "What with all those notebooks you have and how much you know about heroes, it fits you," she continued. "And, it does look a little better on a resume than coffee boy."

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