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Revite: Is he who we think?

The name we all know too well by now, Revite, is one that brings many different things to mind. For some, he is a hero without the official title. To others, he is a plague to be eradicated. Regardless of opinion, the facts are that his articles target heroes and change the perspectives of thousands. Until recently, the majority of the public saw him as a threat to society. Since the events of Hosu, those numbers have changed.

Two days ago at 6:07 pm, video footage of a fight in Hosu was released on the internet. Police Officials claim the video was taken by a bystander from the window of their apartment and was never meant to get out. The contents of the video, found here, depicts a fight between Stain and several other heroes, resulting in Stain's capture. However, heroes alone did not defeat Stain. The footage proves that Revite and his associate now revealed to be named 'Dabi' assisted at the scene as well.

The details of the fighting will be spared for now for it is the words exchanged that night that are of more importance. The audio of the video picks up arguing between Stain and Revite. It is requested that you watch the video to fully comprehend the next bits of text.

Revite clearly and firmly places his foot down on Stain's ideals, contradicting them. It leads us to wonder why, until after the fight when Revite makes certain of what his goals truly are.

Months ago, Revite emerged with an article on the pro hero Shudder. Immediately his writings had caused an uproar. With each new article we've seen more and more commotion caused by Revite's claims. Across Revite's journey to fame, the question of what his grand plan is has always remained unanswered. That question is what holds so many back from siding with him.

What does he want with heroes? What of civilians? In the end, does he wish to help us, or destroy us?

Finally, we have the answers. Revite revealed on that fateful night with Stain that he doesn't intend to harm, but build up and fix what we ourselves have ruined. In the light of this new information, we all must take a step back and rethink what we have believed. Who really is Revite, and is he who we thought?

Usually as a writer, I would never speak for myself here, but then again, these are unusual circumstances. Before, Revite was a fool to me. I read his articles as everyone did but I didn't believe them half the time and when I did, I still thought he wanted our downfall. In my eyes he was only another idiot who thinks they know better, another villain playing at morality but only causing harm in the end.

I see differently now. This is not someone on a path of rage, nor someone with revenge to follow through with. This is a man, and that is all. Just a man who saw what was there and used the kindness in his heart to seek out to fix it.

Now, this may be controversial, but we could all learn something from Revite. Listen to the video, let his words sink into you, hear what Stain had to say to counter them. Listen for any words from Endeavor and Hawks, even the young heroes in training with them. Tell me, if you didn't know anything about Revite before that video, who would you have said was the hero that day?

Today I tell you, put aside what everyone else has told you and ask yourself, who is Revite to you.

-Sana Yamaguchi, Musutafu News


The television at the front of the room flickers with a screenshot of the video taken from the fight with Stain. It's blurry and heavily pixelated but it could still be seen that it was frozen on the moment when Revite kicked Stain in the face, swinging around his extended pole.

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