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[A/N: Just a heads up, CW/TW for throwing up. It's just Dabi having a bit of motion sickness but if you want to skip it, skip from the line: running straight for the bathroom (which thank fuck the flat even had one), slamming the door behind him, to the line: A sense of familiarity hit Dabi. It's nothing graphic or whatever but I thought I'd still leave a warning.]

"I can't believe you!"

"Good. You don't have to."

"Do you know how dangerous and stupid that was!"


"You could have been hurt!"

"But I wasn't."

"Deku, I swear to every fucking god out there if you don't stop with the snarky replies I will burn your shitty spaghetti arms!"

"Counting on it."

He screamed. Dabi was ready to punch a wall in at this point. One can imagine his disappointment and anger when he did end up seeing Deku on the news the day after the USJ incident. He'd immediately raced home and called the little twerp only to find him already in his flat, waiting to be scolded.

He was-- fuck-- he was worried. He doesn't get worried! This is new and weird and he already hates it. When he saw Deku on the television, swinging around in the air on the pole he'd trained him to use, he'd panicked. What else could he do? Here was this kid who'd managed to worm his way past Dabi's walls and make him care (gross) but he has to be the most reckless, self-sacrificing kid he knows and it drives Dabi insane. Has he ever heard of the words'self preservation'? Dabi's going to blink one day and the next thing he'll know, the kid will have broken every bone in his body.

What's worse is the gremlin doesn't seem at all fazed by his disappointment. In fact, Dabi's willing to bet he's enjoying watching him get riled up and yell at him.

A sigh escaped his lips as he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to calm down. He pressed his hands together and pointed them at Deku. "Why. . . are you so difficult?"

"I'm not difficult," Deku argued, sinking deeper into Dabi's beanbag. "I'm just special."

"Is that what your mommy told you," Dabi mocked, jutting out his bottom lip in a teasing pout before going back to scowling. "This is serious Deku! It's dangerous to run into a villain attack like you have any idea what you're doing! Leave that shit to the pros!"

Deku placed his hands behind his head, that shit eating grin reappearing on his face. "I thought we didn't trust the pros?"

"You- I- No!" He fisted his hands in his hair tugging on it. "You make me want to gauge my eye's out. Scratch that- I want to cut your tongue off so you can never annoy me with your stupid words ever again."

"Empty threat but go off."

"That's it. You're fucking dead!"

Dabi dived forward as Deku's eye's widened and he leaped up from the bean bag in a desperate attempt to get away fast enough. Dabi glared at him as he chased him to the other side of the flat. Deku stood across from him, hands resting on the table Dabi had stolen the other week. He slowly moved around it in sync with him. Dabi hates tables for this very reason. When he was younger Natsuo used to taunt him by staying on the other side of him at all times. They'd end up running around the table for hours until either Fuyumi got them to calm down or Enji came into the room and yelled at them for being childish.

The thought faded from his mind as he jumped across the table, ears just barely registering Deku's scream before the kid was flattened under him when he was tackled by Dabi's arms. The kid squirmed and swatted at him. Dabi ignored the attempts that were stronger than he expected. Training must be paying off. He planted a knee on his chest, pinning down his legs with one of his own so they'd stop coming to kick him in the back and pressed a hand onto his face.

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