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Class had ended a few minutes after Izuku's confession that he's quirkless. They'd spent the last minutes discussing both Shinsou and Hatsume's quirks. Izuku was right in assuming Hatsume's quirk had something to do with her eyes. She can see things from extremely far away and 'zoom in' on things close to her. He can see (pun intended) how that would help her create her inventions. 

The bell rang and they had been sent off to the cafeteria for lunch. Izuku found himself alone as Shinsou scurried off, saying, "I'm not your friend. Don't you dare sit with me." And that was that. Hatsume preferred to stay in the workshop to finish some of her 'babies'. 

That's how Izuku ended up sitting alone in the cafeteria when one of the students he recognized from 1-C approached him. They hovered awkwardly in front of him, fingers pushing up their glasses on their nose. "Um, Yagi-san wants to see you in his office."

He frowned in confusion. "Yagi-san?"

"Mhm. He's our English teacher since we have Mic-sensei for almost every other subject." The student pointed to the cafeteria exit. "His office is the third room on the right down that hallway."

That was all they said before practically running away and joining their group of friends. He sighed and looked at his tray of food, regretting having to package it up for later. As he did so and walked to where this Yagi-san's office is, he wondered what the teacher could possibly want from him. A ball of anxiety wound up in his chest as the possibility of it being about Revite came to mind. That didn't make much sense to him. He hadn't seen a Yagi at the USJ. How would he know anything about that sort of thing. 

He shook his head as he reached the office door. That can't be what this is about. He probably just wants to let him know about the English projects he's had to miss because of his intern and the USJ. That's all. 

"Hello?" he asked and he knocked on the office door. He glanced at the name plate on it. Toshinori Yagi. He had a feeling he recognized the door. Odd. 

"Come in!"

The voice was familiar. Where he'd heard it before was on the tip of his tongue when he opened the door and- oh. He recalls why this is so familiar now. This was the room he'd ran into when he'd phoned Dabi and Hawks. That was the window he'd jumped out of on All Might's back. That's the couch All Might was sitting on in his small form. That's the couch All Might is sitting on now. 

"All Might!" Izuku gasped in surprise, stumbled backwards across the doors threshold again. That was surely All Might on the couch. His clothes were three times his size and cheeks as hollowed in as ever. He pressed a hand to his chest in surprise, eyes widening. 

All Might's here. All Might's Toshinori Yagi. All Might called him here to talk. Shit. So much for avoiding talking about Revite. That has to be what this is about. There's no other reason. 

"Young Midoriya," All Might said, standing up from his seat on the couch. He took a step towards him and pushed the office door shut. "Please, call me Yagi-san when I am in this form." 

"Uh. . . Yagi-san?" He questioned. 

"Yes. It's my civillain name," he provided. He sat back down on the couch and gestured for Izuku to sit across from him. "Please, sit."

Nervously, he moved to the seat. He sat down, eyes flickering around the room, scanning for any clue this is a trap. He turned back to All Might, scratching behind his ear in an awkward manner. "Er, are you sure you should be telling me that?"

The number one hero barked a short laugh. "I need not worry about what you'll do, Young Midoriya. You already know my secret. Unless you can give me a reason not to trust you?"

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